strong woman do bong soon is a garbage and sad excuse of a kdrama & y'all should be more focused on that rather than it being remade in the US: a thread
trigger warnings before we start: rape, domestic violence, brownface & homophobia.

also i'm not gonna post too many screen caps because going back to the episodes makes my blood boil but bear with me
1. the homophobia, y'all can try and deny all you want that it's not homophobic bc "cultural differences!!" and the gross queer baiting but the show is homophobic and violently so, every episode and i mean LITERALLY every episode has at least 1 of these """"jokes"""" and the
main character spends at least 10 minutes debating the guy's sexuality omg i hope he's not gay 🤪🤪🤪

and that's not even bad compared to what comes next
there is ONE gay character (keep in mind lgbt characters are non-existent in kdramas so it was a perfect opportunity for representation) & the character is the most disgusting caricature of gay people i've ever seen in media EVER, he's portrayed as obnoxious, jealous & conniving
2. domestic violence, the mother is seen abusing the father physically and verbally. that would be fine if it was actually denounced, but nah it's used for comedic relief, the dad is made out to be a literal joke and when he stands up to her, this is what happens
3. rape, the mother also makes SEVERAL rape jokes and basically says she should use her strength to sleep with him and i'm honestly appalled that so many of you had no problem w it when you watched it because it's pretty explicit
4. racism, was everyone sleeping when they had a korean actor in brownface with a shitty accent portray an indian monk or? this doesn't even need any explaining, even his gestures screamed stereotype/caricature the whole thing fucking stank
and 5. my last point, maybe y'all shouldn't have been so quick to praise this trash ass show and hail it as a feminist show just because it's about a PHYSICALLY strong woman who caught a woman-kidnapper because all in all, not only is it all of the things above, but it's also
pretty misogynistic in itself because she doesn't have a personality outside of her physical strength and the guy literally hires her because he finds her cute, yeah guk doo was an obvious misogynistic asshole, but so was min hyuk
and to sprinkle my own opinion.. besides all that, the show is not that good for y'all to be doing all that... because the production and script were actual garbage.. i promise you that this trashy mess is NOT the hill to die on
the way y'all are so quick to call out western shows for their mess but will stay mute at the grossest stuff in kdramas just to keep your weird fetishizing kboo dreams alive..
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