One of the fastest ways people hurt themselves is through entitlement. Entitlement leads to codependency. We all see how blantant entitled people can act. They act like they are owed everything and this is sometimes due to expectations they have learned overtime or subconsciously
Seeking validation. We can’t stand people who feel entitled, right? You can’t relate or can you? Have you ever expected someone to text you back at a certain time? Got mad at someone because they didn’t communicate the way you wanted them to? Upset that someone needs a break?
If you have experienced any of these (which come on we all have) then you can relate to being entitled. Most times our ego gets in the way & we find ourselves being offended when someone doesn’t act in the way we desire and this is valid. However in reality just how we are not
Entitled to someone’s body, we are not entitled to someone’s ANYTHING. & this will be a hard pill to swallow but it’s the truth. No one on this earth owes you their love, time or respect. Now am I not saying you don’t deserve these things from people. We all do but we can’t force
It. I see people get upset in my readings that someone failed to communicate something while distancing themselves saying, “if they really cared they would communicate” really? Who made that rule up? Society? Or someone who’s never dealt with depression before? Understand we do
Not know what is going on with someone no matter how close we are to them. And how they’re acting towards you most likely isn’t the truth of the situation because we react through our entitlement. When you release the feeling of being entitled you begin to focus on the moments
Someone effortlessly does make the decision to contact you, apologize, love you. That was something they came up with all on their own and what a blessing you were on their mind when they made that decision. When you focus on expectations of someone you miss out on the true
Blessings. Most times we hurt our own feelings when it comes to expectations because you begin to focus on what they’re NOT doing for you and I’m sorry anything that someone isn’t doing for you can be done on your own. Entitlement leads to validation. You want someone to call you
Attractive to feel attractive. You want someone to call you to feel wanted. You want someone to drop everything they’re doing to give you attention. YOU having expectations of someone is not healthy. You trying to change someone into your perfect expectation isn’t healthy.
It’s not healthy for them and most importantly it isn’t healthy for you. Doing this is like having a $100 bill by your feet, you ignore it. You see someone miles away holding another $100 yet you walk the many miles to that person to get something you already had and then
You reach your destination and find out the person is holding monopoly game money. Then you get upset right? Yet. No one told you to walk. Move forward only expecting validation and entitlement of yourself. Always pick up that $100 bill.

Love yourself. Let go of entitlement.
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