Idk why I’m posting this, but I think it’s important that I do.

I’m a Brit-Pakistani Muslim woman who tweets about British politics.

For over a year now, I’ve been screenshooting abuse, not all, but here it is.

Here’s a thread of what it means to be a WOC in British politics:
Worth mentioning that those telling me to put my hijab on are not actually Muslim men, but far-right accounts.

These tweets were sent on my 21st birthday.
The last screenshot is actually a dick pic, which is why there’s stickers covering it.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to screenshot all racist, islamophobic, and misogynistic abuse. But I'm certain that you all get the point now. And I hope that the British media will realise that they should PROBABLY talk to POC about the rise of the far-right, and not white -
Political commentators. Anyways, I've never been bothered by abuse, but seeing it all together in one thread is quite overwhelming and sickening. I really do feel quite sick.
Might as well turn this into a thread that I regularly update x
Forgot to add these. Also, I'll continue adding to this thread since nobody wants to talk about the way that people from minority groups in politics constantly have their identity used against them.
Being a vocal Muslim woman on the internet sometimes means that you receive hate from *both* the far-right and misogynists in ✌🏼the community✌🏼.
Somehow, I keep finding more and more screenshots lol.
I’ll add these whilst I remember xx
SMH I just noticed I uploaded some of the same screenshots twice. Sorry.
Just in case you hadn’t seen enough. Shoutout to the media and ur (not so) fav far-right extremists for creating these bigots 👏🏻👏🏻
Let’s add today’s events to this thread. Also this isn’t a Muslim woman saying it, it’s a racist that can’t stand to see a vocal Muslim woman.
Being a WOC online is *so* fun.
Today in bigotry, and the day hasn’t even finished xoxo
If you hadn’t seen enough bigotry and racism, here’s some more x
A “sad little victim” and “terrible human being” for getting racist abuse ✅
Little PSA: I don’t post these to victimise myself, I remain unbothered and I’m far from a victim. I simply post them so that people realise just how pervasive racism and islamophobia is. Nobody talks about it, so perhaps this thread will start off some discussions in politics.
Nice x
What to expect if you tweet about endemic islamophobia in the Tory party x more islamophobia x
Maybe one day we can have a national discussion about abuse directed at BAME women in politics! It’s starting to get a lil tiring and repetitive!
The name and avi on the first screenshot, tho.
Tfw you can’t even mourn the murder of 50 Muslims without receiving shite like this!
Ain’t updated this in a while cos forgot to screenshot. This week has consisted of a man telling me to sell myself, one comparing me to a monkey, another to a horse, more comments on my face, and being called a jihadist! nice 😍
Ur daily dose of racist!
I dunno why I’m still adding to this thread, but it’s aight to keep some sort of record of abuse! I’ve also started the process of reporting tweets to the police.
I’m sure ur all familiar w my guy Stiltskin here 😍👏🏻
Have reported these two to the police, and whoever is behind the account is absolutely shook rn!
Aleesha - 1
Random racist - 0
Forgot to update this but 'ere goes!
This thread has made its round on twitter again so ima just say that I stopped updating this a while ago bc I lost control of the screenshots & cba to screenshot anymore xx thanks for all the solidarity and support xx
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