ok but al aba by luis eduardo aute is basically one of the most emotional songs ever done.
"no sé qué estrellas son éstas, que hieren como amenazas
ni sé qué sangra la luna al filo de su guadaña."
I don't know which stars are these, they hurt like threats
I don't know either what the moon is bleeding through the edge of its scythe
"Los hijos que no tuvimos se esconden en las cloacas (...) con hambre atrasada."
The children we never had hide in the sewers, they eat the last flowers that are left, it's as if they foresaw the days that are coming are starved.
"Miles de buitres callados (...) ¡maldito baile de muertos, pólvora de la mañana!"
Thousands of silent vultures are spreading their wings. Doesn't it destroy you, my love, this silent dance? ¡Damned dead's dance, sunrise's gunpowder!
"Presiento que tras la noche vendrá la noche más larga, quiero que no me abandones, amor mío, al alba."
I feel that after tonight the longest night will come. I want you to not abandon me, my love, at the sunrise.
So yeah, this song is *officially* written about a man who has to say goodbye to his love because he knows he's about to die: this is a farewell letter to his love, lamenting the love they never fully lived, and the fear and anger he feels facing his destiny.
It's clearly related to the Spanish Civil War fusilados, who were shot and killed at the crack of dawn (Al Alba), the narrator being one of those fusilados who foresee their death coming next morning at the hands of fascists.
Some people deny this meaning but Aute himself has said he was inspired by fusilados and the iconography used in the song suggested the narrator being one, but it was Rosa LeĂłn who was brave enough to openly dedicate the song at her shows to the fusilados.
To sum up, Al Alba is a beautifully written song with a very deep touching message and I hope this 2am thread made you want to give it a listen, lol. Here's one of my favorite versions
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