"Black people have made great progress, but all the progress is to Black people—not to anybody else. For example, all the progress made here in this city...that's not because white folk in Alabama got nice. That's because of the blood that Black people spilled..." - Kwame Ture
"Reform can not solve our problems, only revolution will." - Kwame Ture
"With rising consciousness & worsening conditions, there must be revolution...The rebellion of Los Angeles tells the United States capitalist system that the reforms which you've made from 1965 to 1992 mean absolutely nothing to us! The only solution is revolution." - Kwame Ture
Long Live Kwame Ture
"Capitalism is a very vicious system. But what it does is it embroideries its viciousness with all sorts of illusive terms." - Kwame Ture (1973)
"Under capitalism what they do is they take their scientific skills & rather than using it for the benefit of the people, they use it to further exploit the people. & certainly this type of system is still backwards." - Kwame Ture
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