Tinder date: sudah makan?

Tinder guy

Bio: bad boy
Pic: face/body/tatoo/appearance 4/5/7/4 out of 10
Tinder guy

Bio: mencari yang serius
Pic: spongebob
Tinder guy

Bio: simple/no ribet/ordinary
Pic: anonymous/football player/life quotes
Tinder guy

Mo di reply apa yah
Tinder guy

Age: 31
Look: 40's

Cmon, I've been 31 and I think I know how 31 look like.
Tinder guy

Look: just like that
Confidence: setara SIDHRATUL MUNTAHA

so @menghanyurkan tweeted that one fine day and I couldn't agree more
Tinder guy

Tiap hari PP 55km? Naik mobil? ORANG KAYA

Kalo sopir Grab gimana mas?
Tinder guy chatt

Him: aku tuh kangen pacaran
Me: oh ya?
Him: kita pacaran yuk
Me: selow dulu kakaak
Him: aku kangen pacaran. Kangen bercinta
Me: (read)
Him: Dit...
Me: (read)

Man of slenky

I don't block people, but apparently ignoring them makes them sick
Tinder guy chatt

Him: jadi kapan ni kita ketemuan? Tp ak gatau Surabaya
Me: OK Jumat ini di d'Mandailing
Him: kok kaya cafe keluarga gtu ya
Me: (WTH ni org!) Trus mo dimana?
Him: itu Rolag aja (cafe stren kali)

Bukannya sombong tp itu g date-able.
Tinder guy

((topik nanya kerjaan))
Him: aku d penjualan solar Pertamina. Kali2 pabrik tmpat kamu kerja butuh
Me: ooh gatau si
Him: tanya donk ke bagian penerimaannya

Ada waranty lo kasi gw bagian kalo semisal tembus?
Tinder guy from out town

πŸ§’Kamu di Surabaya mana
πŸ‘§Di Hjoeutbtlalala
πŸ§’Dimana tuh. Ak ga hafal Surabaya
Lha trus lo nanya esensinya apa bambank!? Basabasibusuk
Ini maksudnya apa yah
Chatt with tinder guy

πŸ§’Yang penting dalam hubungan tu rasa nyaman. Yakan?
πŸ‘§Yea (maybe?)
πŸ§’Kamu udah nyaman blom
πŸ‘§Nyaman apa?
πŸ§’Sama aku?
πŸ§’Iya kamu sama aku udh nyaman blom?
We've never met before. Dude, please!
I don't understand tinder guy posting his family picture
N O T (even) A R O U S I N G A T A L L
What's the reverse of this post?
Guys' profile saying SIMPLE, to me is like careless, clueless or just MALES
So this Tinder guy gave me a possibly good idea
πŸ‘¦suka nulis?
πŸ‘§mungkin, tp gak merasa bagus
πŸ‘¦suka makan?
πŸ‘¦kenapa gak food blogging aja
Otomatis off
πŸ‘¦kerja dimana
πŸ‘§buruh pabrik (boring question respond). kalo kamu itu usaha apa
πŸ‘¦cuman usaha kecil, gapenting
*Ok not fun, switch convo
πŸ‘§trus wiken kemana
πŸ‘¦mau ajak aku pergikah
πŸ‘§ya mungkin kamu yg ajak aku

Ada gitu udh dikasi nomer wasap malah disuruh promosiin usahanya. Dapet komisi katanya.
Dude, this is Tinder, not LinkedIn
Swipe right anyway. Penasaran maunya apa.
Guys be like writing "SIMPLE" in their bio.
They're just lazy. Too lazy even to promote their self.

Unless you have exceptional look, y'all deserve swipe left.
Self esteem: beyond GOD
Attitude: 0
Edited chatt.

Cuman post yg krusial. Lengkapnya panjang.
That ((saya bukan cowo desa yg katrok)) is so laughable
Ya OK, I'm curvy and 'full'.
But again, go to LinkedIn for that f**kin 'Network & Business'!
I swiped him right anyway out of curiousity
πŸ‘¦kamu married ya?
πŸ‘§eh single donk
πŸ‘¦kok lama gak bales, ada suaminya ya
πŸ‘¦Tu bener kan

Ya kali2 gua kawin sama laki2 bego gangerti gw install Tinder. Moreover gw bego main Tinder pake real pic cari masalah
Swipe2 Tinder
Interesting guys:
lives in Jakarta, Bandung, Jogja, Bali.
went to UGM, Atmajaya, IPB, ITB, Trisakti, UI

Ada apa dengan cowo2 Surabaya, Unair, ITS, Ubaya, UPN?
Apa mereka g install Tinder, install Tinder tp ga match umur, ato memang gada yg interesting???
Saya kelewat GAK baper
Sorry, Ini lucu sih. Not real name tho, so bot doxing, right?
Banyak org di date app yg looknya secara lahiriah B aja, tp ada grooming & taste jd keliatan menarik. Ditunjang bio yg smart.

Sebaliknya, banyak yang diberkahi wajah tampan. Tapi entah selera ato apa, overall look ya jadi gengges. Jamet banget katanya.

Btw, jamet apaan si?
Ini salah 1 contoh buruk dunia ngedate
Oke baiklah
Update dr org diatas.

Aku tau org ini mampu & aku bisa provide diri sendiri di tempat2 itu. Jadi seharusnya gak masalah.

Ini si ngajakin susah tanpa tujuan.
Kek gini doooonk. Tp jangan jauh2 dari Bandung, Surabaya aja.
Kalo mau dapet date, chattnya jan convo killer gini
Allahuakbaar bantu hambamu ini yawlaah
This is OKC i/o Tinder. Yea but....
Narcisstic guilt tripping. Sigh!
OKC user around here. Ngomong opo to kowe, le?
When your self summary is: Simple
It's called summary. And when u mentioned "simple", either you have no life, u're boring, or u're just too lazy to 'sell' urself in that apps.

Good luck finding descent dates!
The audacity of unqualified person to be picky: Ortu pemilih, mencari yg ndak muluk-muluk, mencari yg bisa nerima apa adanya, cuma pengangguran.

Cuman karena dia ber-penis.
Yo, man! If you're married and on Tinder, at least take off ur wedding ring before u take a pic.
Stupid scumbag!
Saya gangerti dia mau skip bagian saling mengenal jadi berapa cepet
Kek gimana happily married tapi join tinder????
Udah akunya typo, dianya mo ngelamar kerja~πŸ˜ͺ
I wonder how satisfying are guys with self proclaim as HYPERSEX
Photo di blur & gada bio nya itu apa maksudnya yah?
The kind of confidence I like. Tapi ga suka sama look nya. A nice person I believe.
In dating apps, don't swipe right any guy with these labels even if u're actually looking for it:
"Just for fun." He's not fun.
"Looking for sugar baby." Usually tacky cheap guy.
"FWB only." Will be no benefits on you.
Kek gini kalo dijabanin gw yakin 1000% gabakal se irresistible itu
Di dating apps, present yourself better. Foto yg layak, caption yg layak. Be as realistic too.

Orang tu gabisa liat kamu, gabisa merasakan ambient berada di sekitar kamu, & gangerti bicaramu. Help urself!

JANGAN cuman ditulis "simple" + foto Spongebob.

Jangan ya, plis jangan!
The audacity.

Plus "sexi” with "i". Kenapa ga "seksi" ajaπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
Tolong kalo punya pertanyaan berdasarkan asumsi, pake manner ya
Blown πŸ˜‚πŸ€­
Ini adalah Profile pic akun WA yg ngehit aku di Tinder. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
This is cute. I'm gonna frame this forever πŸ˜‚
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