Fighting evil by moonlight? Hm, sounds familiar...

That’s right scoobies, it’s time for Buffy characters and their Sailor Moon counterparts!!!
Buffy=Sailor Moon

One girl in all the world destined to save it? Kinda ditzy, very blonde, and preoccupied with boys? A loving friend who helps others shine? Just wants a normal life but gives her all to fight for good? Loves to quip! IS ANY OF THIS RINGING A BELL?
Willow=Sailor Mercury

Willow and Ami are both geniuses who start out timid and shy but grow into confident, powerful woman, in large part due to the friendship of their respective heroine. These smart ladies are softhearted but don’t let that fool you, they kick butt. With bobs!

These two are both fussy traditionalists who are constantly exasperated just trying to get their wards to FOCUS as they teach them how to harness their powers. But their dedication and love for these girls eventually becomes the heart of every decision they make*sigh*
Angel=Tuxedo Mask

Tall, dark and handsome. And brooding. These boys are here to help in battle and also for kissing. Like Angel, Tuxedo Mask even becomes evil, emotionally tortures his girlfriend, and becomes her foe. Unlike Angel he manages to stick around afterwards🙃
Cordelia=Sailor Mars

Mars is her blonde hero’s beautiful, b*tchy, brunette counterpart who is iconic in her own right. She won’t play second fiddle to anyone, has a lion heart, and dreams of worldwide success. Cordy’s show up later, but both girls are even prone to visions!

Sometimes the comic relief and a lot of times the damsel in distress. All these characters are known for being good friends with their hero (though Xander and Umino wish they were more at first), but not super useful. Well, except for attracting monsters!
Dawn=Chibi Moon

These (more than) somewhat annoying younger relatives were both retconned into their respective shows and kind of...took over. Eventually we figure out why and they become less intrusive supporting characters, but they still like to pester their show’s hero.
Anya=Sailor Venus

These ladies know what they want and aren’t afraid to ask. They are both after the finer things in life, for Venus it’s fame and for Anya it’s fortune. Neither is known for tact (Venus is at her most Anya when dealing with “Three Lights”), but still do good!

Tough is the word for these two. Hardheaded and singleminded, both Uranus and Faith think they know best and deride the naïveté of the do-gooder blondes in their life. They even both try to kill their respective heroine before eventually becoming her sporadic ally.
Tara=Sailor Jupiter

Both these characters have a soft maternal energy tinged with a streak of melancholy and coupled with a surprising emotional strength. They give their all to those they love, but fear they are not enough or less than the amazing people surrounding them
Glory=Queen Nehelenia

These villains are both trapped in their own personal hells and trying to get out so they can make life hell for everyone else. One needs a key, one a golden crystal, both of which could be anywhere. Also there’s the killer hair and outfits. Fierce.
Okay everybody, that’s all we got! Obviously the similarities are vast and go beyond the characters. Both shows deal with themes of destiny, resurrection, duty, friendship, etc!!

Let us know if you have any more ideas about similarities or character counterparts!!!🌙✨✌🏼
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