My checklist when evaluating a potential investment:
* Stellar Executive team *

The executive team must have a good history of leading / building teams and companies. They must also extensive product knowledge and focus on how to improve the product and platform. I also gauge their social standing based on peer reviews.
* Rockstar Employees *

Similar to my analysis of the executive team, I look for employees that have had explosive career growth, best in class peer reviews, and deep product knowledge. I also assess employee morale based on interviews, videos, tweets, and reviews.
* Hiring & Growth Plan *

Looking at the careers page gives me an idea hiring bar and how fast the company is hiring. Reading their blogs, watching interviews, and following folks on social media gives me an idea of their product growth plan.
* Superb & Disruptive Product *

Product has to fit. I spend time personally testing the product & analyzing the competitive landscape. Helps evaluate what sets the product apart from the rest and where it falls short. I also spend countless hours reading consumer use cases.
* Website Content & Functionality *

I'm a stickler for details and will go through the website (and product) meticulously, looking at the content, format, and verbiage. I also look for user facing bugs, will provide feedback where necessary, and gauge response quality.
* Glowing Client Reviews *

This is self explanatory, but is hard to do since reviews aren't necessarily always listed on Yelp. Digging through articles, looking for quotes, watching interviews, and more help formulate my opinion on how clients feel about the product.
* Financials *

These are less important as a snapshot, but looking at trends in the financials such as YoY revenue growth helps showcase company growth. I try to keep an open mind here and narrow to the top 5-8 growth drivers (ie. revenue, users, engagement, units sold, etc)
* Optionality *

Does the team have the ability to offer additional products and / or increase their TAM?

It can be hard to come up with a list of comprehensive options, but the critical thinking exercise helps build conviction around durability and potential future growth.
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