I will preface this rant with the fact I hate sanctimonious and disingenuous tweets just to pretend you’re down for a cause. I’m not a fan of social media nor the toxic environment it’s created. And with that, here we go...
...I’ve been an avid comic book reader and collector my entire life. I began collecting and going to my local comic store weekly before I could even read. I credit my uncle and my mom for introducing me to this world. It truly shaped who I am as a person...
...during this time I’ve met great friends and acquaintances of every race, religion, sexuality, color and creed. We may have come from different places but out love for comic books and their colorful characters brought us nerds together...
...many of us were bullied because we chose to get lost in the world superheroes. Whether it was because we were “juvenile” or “a waste of time” or “stupid,” there was always that group of individuals who made it a point to put us down and make our life hell...
...while some could brush it off, I saw these words hurt a lot of my friends. Some felt they didn’t belong on this earth anymore because of this unnecessary bullying. Some even gave up their passion because it was deemed worthless by society...
...this still happens today. Just a few days ago I was told “no one cared” when someone else asked me about the new Spider-Man movie. Someone wanted to learn about comic books and were scolded for it. Think about that. We were taught to hate ourselves because you don’t like us...
...for anyone who has felt compelled to berate someone for loving comic books, you are also the reason some kids turn to self harm or begin thinking about suicide, all because you look down on their hobby. I hate you for this. Grow up and accept we aren’t changing for you...
...for anyone who has ever been bullied for reading Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Captain America. etc. just know you aren’t alone. Shoot me DM if you ever need to talk. I’ve been there and I know what you’re feeling. Keep reading and never stop collecting. Excelsior.
I'll end with this:

- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Online Chat: http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx
- Crisis Text Line: Text "START" to 741-741
-Youth-Specific services: 1-800-448-3000
- Text VOICE to 20121 to speak with a counselor
You can follow @JoseYoungs.
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