Majestic Message of Disclosure

Consider the following scenario and reflect on what feels true to you and then respond.

Was the USA a nation that defended all human beings equally under the law in 1946?
Civil Rights Movement? Purpose?
USA became a Majestic nation in 1947.
What defines an American Citizen?
Values. Nationality. Patriotism. Volunteer. Selfless. Determined. Entrepreneur. Wealthy. Free. Independent. Alien. Majestic.
Disclosure was planned by the Domain all along. SG-1 seeded your consciousness with this reality. The time in which Disclosure takes place is only at the point in which the society will be able to get along with everyone through legal principals that all people equally share.
Think about the events unfolding within the Chinese Government and Military right now. Talk about Full Disclosure. Some are panicking. Trump has given Xi his word. Majestic nations respect what it means to be an American Citizen as well as a Chinese Citizen etc.
Many nations, identity is determined by race, religion, language, ethnicity, etc. the USA is different. It is a melting pot of personal potential limited by ones own mind themselves. Many work hard to suppress your true powers. Trust yourself. Facts Matter. Truth Resonates Inside
The USA is founded on equal application of our laws for all people.
What happens when other nationalities are threatening our National Security but the Governments of those countries refuse to acknowledge their associations?
Limited information.
China has its own history of child abuse. Its laws allow it. Our laws prohibit it on our soil or on our citizens. The programs are being operated inside the USA that China knows about and will willingly release only for political gamesmanship and not safety of all people, speak.
Think of the world as a melting pot of types of humans. All types. All varieties. All characters. Good. Evil. White. Black. Good. Evil. Smart. [DUMB. Clones. Avatars. Synthetic. AI.]

Each denomination originally started as tribal gatherings, so you were told. Naturally right?
You are friendly with those you interact with on a daily basis but when greeted with something completely unknown you are faced with a fight or flight instinctual response. This is why TRUST YOURSELF matters. Facts Matter. Tribalism is common among humans. Lower consciousness.
We are all one means simply that we all love as one and we all fear as one. Each person has equal potential relative to their IS-BE's avatar's genetic makeup/conscious strength. Only through looking inward do you enhance your consciousness.
External personification of God and Jesus have you looking away from the truth to your consciousness.

We did not make the graphic. Some disinformation contained but general concept is correct and details are classified.
Earth must adopt a legal standard akin to the United States and respect children, elderly, the weak, the vulnerable, and the abused by removing the harm from their environment to the best of humanities ability. Unfortunately when SHEEP are sleeping, WOLVES FEED.
The issues in China are all about the Dark Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me? Is there anyone home? Moon? Spaceship. DEFCON 2? 1? US unchanged. Why?
The Civil Rights Movement was MAJESTIC. The World is Watching. The world will learn the truth. WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL is MAJESTIC! In order to peacefully disclose ET life; the Domain wanted to guarantee that human rights would be respected worldwide first.
The Majestic 12 had a Mission Impossible that included letting a legal replacement be implemented worldwide to end the global war crises based on economic trade, national identity, equal rights for all people, and then, and only then can First Contact take place.
The world is changing.
Dark to Light.
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