y’all wanted it so here’s a thread of some good ass books✨
Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern: this book is sososo good . to me it’s 10x better than the fault in our stars . i wont give away too many details but the storyline is similar to tfios bc it’s heart warming and heart breaking at the same time . 10/10 would recommend
Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone: this is about a girl with OCD and how she struggles to live her life on the daily . she find a poetry club and a new friend to help her cope . there’s a HUGE plot twist in the end, i wasn’t expecting it at all . overall a very good book !
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green: this is a good ass book, i love the sense of humor of Colin (the main character) and how the footnotes are funny asl . the love story is v predictable but it’s still cute af !!
The Pretty Little Liars books by Sara Shepard: if you like the show, you’ll LOVE these books. there’s a lot of them but every book is good af, and the ending of the series is WAY better then the ending of the show .if you didn’t watch the show, these books are still bomb af lol
The Lying Game books by Sara Shepard: just like the PLL books, these books are WAY better than the show and the ending actually makes sense lol . this series is only 6 books so it’s not that long . the ending has a big plot twist also, i was shook af
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: literally the best book I’ve read in my life, simply bc i could relate so much to Starr. the book deals with the subjects of racism, police brutality, finding ur identity when placed in two different communities at the same time. An amazing read
The Perfectionists series by Sara Shepard: this is only a two book series, and they’re mystery books. overall plot: five friends are framed for a murder. both books had me on the edge of my seat. The end of the second book has an INSANE plot twist that i didn’t see coming at all
also they’re making a “pll spinoff” based off these books and it’s NOTHING like the books !! pls read the books before you watch the show(when it comes out) bc the preview looks like trash
the things we keep by sally hepworth: the 1st pov is a 38-year-old woman who has early onset dementia . 2nd pov is a guy around her age who has a different form of dementia . 3rd pov is the care facility cook . this book LITERALLY changed my life . you’ll prob cry reading it
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