1. Starting a new thread of "I wish people would make up their minds" and will add examples of when I think of them.
2. I wish people would make up their minds when people get to determine their own identities vs when their identifies are defined and imposed by others.
3. I wish people would make up their minds when the State represents the true "will of the people" and when it's all-powerful corrupt organization with its own independent interests.
4. I wish people would make up their minds about when we should copy policies from history and when we're supposed to move on to reflect changing realities or mores
5. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to look at history and "root causes" and when we're only supposed to care about immediate actions
6. I wish people would make up their minds about which parts of history or "root causes" are worth including and which we get to pretend don't exist
7. Here's a big one: I wish people would make up their minds about when people are supposed to use the power of the State to impose their values on everyone else and when we're supposed to welcome dissent and ideological independence
8. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to vote in our interests vs having in mind the interests of others
9. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to rely on objective facts vs subjective narratives
10. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's noble to violate the laws which one thinks are immoral and unjust
11. I wish people would make up their minds about when we can telepathically presume to know other people's underlying motivations independent of their actions
12. I wish people would make up their minds about when the majority must accommodate the wishes of the minority and when the minority must defer to the will of the majority
13. I wish people would make up their minds about when popularity implies legitimacy
14. I wish people would make up their minds about when we get to generalize about a group and claim systemic problems and when we can dismiss patterns as unrelated isolated incidents.
15. I wish people would make up their minds about when offensiveness is determined by the people who are offended or by the intent of the speaker
16. I wish people would make up their minds about when we hold minors and adolescents accountable for their actions for the rest of their lives and when we appeal to the fact that their brains aren't fully formed.
17. I wish people would make up their minds about when we attribute behavior to how people were raised and when we hold people accountable for their own actions regardless.
18. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's a Good Thing when politicians speak "their truth" and don't care about who they offend
19. I wish people would make up their minds about when we should be sympathetic when a failing and flawed industry has to lay off workers, and when we should rejoice at the reckoning.
20. I wish people* would make up their minds about which parts of the Bible we're supposed to follow. Specifically which parts are timeless and eternal and which parts are situational or anachronisms.

* Only those who invoke biblical authority.
21. I wish people would make up their minds about when corporations and wealthy people should use their positions and resources to influence politics.
21. I wish Jews would make up their minds about when the State should enforce and impose "Jewish values" on a secular society.
Related: https://twitter.com/JYuter/status/1082261096487108614?s=19
22. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed give people a charitable read and when we're supposed to call for their heads
24. (Screwed up with two 21s). I wish people would make up their minds about when people should determine their politics based on self-interest vs. greater universal principles
25. I wish people would make up their minds about when attempts to gain influence and power is a "takeover" or "activism"
26. I wish people would make up their minds about when we get to judge an entire group or demographic by its worst members.
27. I wish people would make up their minds about when the positives allow us to completely ignore and dismiss the negatives.
28. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to "understand" people and their positions and when we're supposed to do everything in our power to censor and suppress
29. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to continue having "conversations" about a subject and when the conversation becomes closed/settled ht @AviWoolf
30. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're allowed to change the definitions of words in order to have them fit our ideologies.
31. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's ok (or encouraged) to mollify repressive totalitarian dictators and their regimes
32. I wish religious people would make up their minds about if religion is supposed to conform to the morality of the masses or of the masses ought to conform to the morality of religion.
33. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to automatically take establishments seriously and when we ought to be critical in the face of overt bias
34. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to hold elected officials to higher ethical standards than the average citizen
35. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to have a "dialogue" and when we're supposed to reject people and their heretical ideas outright
Related: https://twitter.com/JYuter/status/1094550586954010624
36. I wish people would make up their minds about when the argument, "other people are doing it too" counts as a legitimate defense
37. I wish people would make up their minds about when challenging government institutions is "patriotic" or a "threat to democracy"
38. I wish people would make up their minds about when morally generalizing about entire demographics is bad and when it's noble.
39. I wish people would make up their minds about when dehumanizing people is noble and when humanizing people is bad.
40. I wish people would make up their minds about when there's an objective truth and when everything is subject to narratives.
41. I wish people would make up their minds about the lines between "education" and "indoctrination."
42. I wish people would make up their minds about when something already being illegal is sufficient to preclude further laws making it *more* illegal.
43. I wish people would make up their minds about when martyrdom / being a victim axiomatically demonstrates correctness or confers unchallengeable expertise
44. Corollary to 26, I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to ignore the crackpot extremists from a party as being irrelevant outliers and when we're supposed to view them as indicative of systemic rot. https://twitter.com/JYuter/status/1093549176447733763?s=19
45. I wish people would make up their minds if and when certain individuals get to speak for all Judaism.
46. I wish certain legislators would make up their minds about when "not being a scientist" precludes legislating on matters pertaining to science.
47. I wish people would make up their minds about when policymakers need to personally have "skin in the game" in order for their policies/legislation to be valid.
48. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's legitimate to recast people's positions not based on what they actually say but what you think they "really" mean.
49a. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's ok to legislate morality
49b. I wish people would make up their minds about when legality implies morality
50. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's legitimate or even admirable to consciously redefine the established meaning of terms to suit their needs
51. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's ok to invoke religious texts or religious "values" when promoting legislation or policy
52. I wish people would make up their minds about whether committing violence in the name of one's ideology is either criminal or laudable.
53. I wish people would make up their minds about if the criteria for amplifying voices and opinions should be based on identity vs. expertise
54. I wish people would make up their minds about when "racism" applies to nationalities and religions.
55. I wish people would make up their minds about when people's identity makes them immune to substantive criticism
56. I wish people would make up their minds about how many data points are required to define something as trend or "systemic" vs. when we treat them as exceptional outliers
57. I wish people would make up their minds about when we're supposed to disregard/dismiss exceptional outliers and when we're supposed to define policy to accommodate them.
58. I wish people would make up their minds about when an exceptional case is sufficient to make us pretend mounds of contradictory data doesn't exist.
59. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's legitimate to criticize media outlets (or the industry as a whole) and when we must pay obeisance to the Defenders of Democracy™️
60. I wish people would make up their minds about when comparing people or policies to evil counterparts is a legitimate warning or if it's incitement to violence.
61. I wish people would make up their minds about when people are considered important enough to warrant national attention, social media hounding, and personal doxxing for having the wrong opinions.
62. I with people would make up their minds about when publicly accosting politicians is speaking truth to power and when a narcissistic political stunt.
63. I wish people would make up their minds about what constitutes a "peaceful" or "violent" protest
64. I wish people would make up their minds about when marginalized views should be amplified and when they should be disregarded *because* they are marginalized
65. I wish people would make up their minds about when personal experience is required for having an opinion.
66. I wish people would make up their minds about who gets to determine the meaning of symbols
67. I wish people would make up their minds about the role of activism in journalism, and when the blurring of such lines starts to impugn a journalist's credibility.
68. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's OK to assault journalists.
69. I wish people would make up their minds about what counts as a "provocation" which validates violence.
70. I wish people would make up their minds about when conscious changes to language are intended to reflect a new reality or intended to create/manipulate a new reality.
71. I wish people would make up their minds about when compromise is pragmatic and when it's selling out principles
72. I wish people would make up their minds about when prayer an act of provocation.
73. I wish people would make up their minds about when "unprecedented" is inherently bad and when it's noble to challenge the status quo.
74. I wish people would make up their minds about when "elected officials" must be treated with respect regardless of their opinions, statements, or policies.
75. I wish people would make up their minds about which military conquests of territory are legitimate
76. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's appropriate to blame people when bad stuff that happens to them.
77. I wish people would make up their minds about the criteria for when a demonstration or protest is considered "violent" or "peaceful"
78. I wish people would make up their minds about when not voting for a woman candidate must be due to sexism vs when it's due to legitimate disagreements over policies
79. I wish people would make up their minds about when it's OK to make fun of or disregard political candidates based on their identities
80. I wish people would make up their mind about when criticizing a government necessarily means blaming a race.
81. I wish people would make up their minds about when failing or compromised institutions should have their funding raised, suspended, or cut entirely
82. I wish people would make up their minds about when local failures are the fault/responsibility of the Federal government and when the fault/responsibility lies with the local elected officials
83. I wish people would make up their minds about when groups are supposed to universalize their particular experiences bec of shared humanity and when universalizing experiences trivializes them for the group
84. I wish people would make up their minds about when leaders should reflect their constituencies and when they should shape their constituencies
85. I wish people would make up their minds about when voting for a morally flawed candidate must mean one condones of the moral flaws and when it's ok to vote for them anyway because you dislike the political alternatives
You can follow @JYuter.
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