so yes the "Mandelbrot set" is just one view of all of the possible stable states for all possible growth rates of an organism. Every organism is exploring it's niche and this is the kind of complexity that results in pattern formation. 21/
so that was a bit of an excursion, but i think it's important to get a sense of what happens when an autocatalytic element is checked by another. This is happening all around us, patterns of stable complexity in a sea of chaos. 22/
eMergy diagams are just a language for starting to piece it all together. the thing to think about mostly is that energy is used for work, but eMergy remembers, 23/
& most importantly, we can begin to think about how much environmental labor goes into the making of something. The wolves need a lot of deer which need a lot of plants which needs a lot of sunlight. & so those wolves have a greater transformity (eMergy per unit eNergy) 24/24?
“The face of Nature may be compared to a yielding surface, with ten thousand sharp wedges packed close together and driven inwards with incessant blows, sometimes one wedge being struck, and then another with greater force.” - Darwin, On the Origin of Species
if this is interesting to you there are a few other videos people have made out there that explore the link:
i really enjoy this one:
Oh here is a good video on reaction diffusion systems. In the three years since it was made a lot of RD systems have been identified
if you want to learn more about eMergy there are some great books but maybe you might want to start here:
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