Fun Fact:

On his first full day in office, Trump was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old

#Qclues #Qanon
Christmas day was 777 days since Trump was elected President

Merry Christmas #Qarmy

Post #77777777 on 4chan correctly predicted "Trump will win"

Christian denominations consider seven to be a holy number

#Qclues #Qanon #MemeMagic
Approaching world population of


#Qclues #Qanon #Biblical #GreatAwakening #Lucky7 #MemeMagic #Numerology
The world will have a population of 7,777,777,777 some time next week

See the other 7's in this thread related to @realdonaldtrump

#Qclues #Qanon #WWG1WGA #DonaldTrump #TRUMP #DJT
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