As promised, here is my #WalkAway story:


Ok so, I should start by saying something positive about a negative experience. I, and many others, got on board with the whole "Resistance" thing with a genuine desire to be a part of what appeared to be a "good thing".
It's easy to fall prey to the way that the Left utilizes propaganda to play on the good intentions and kindness of many who get caught up in it. Truthfully, it's very much like a Cult, all things considered.

I am an Introvert. Very reserved and very empathetic.
In my actual life, I live alone with 2 children and no real friends or family. So, this is what brought me to Social Media to alleviate some of that isolation, as silly as this might sound.

First and foremost, I love people and want the best for GOOD people, worldwide.
Immediately upon joining up with Twitter, I saw endless posts about endless injustices and suffering. And who was causing such misery?


The picture that was painted on endless Media Outlets was pure hatred, racism, and misogyny. It was easy to fall into that cycle....
Of believing that #MAGA wanted to hurt vulnerable and marginalized people. If 1 awful person did something awful in Trump's name? This was applied to EVERYONE.

Usually, I know better. But I was so angry. I had to "fight back".
I was impressed with the love and unity with the singular goal of ending the nightmare being brought against American people and people worldwide. The "Blue Wave" was uplifting, loving, and inclusive.

Until it wasn't.
Immediately, after the Election, this changed. Suddenly, everyone was fighting and bickering, despite having won the House. Another thing that really bothered me was the lack of concern or support towards the victims of the horrific California Wildfires.
My children and I lost everything in a fire 2 months ago. This event impacted me greatly as I KNOW how painful this experience is.

So, why then, was I seeing a tremendous response from those of #MAGA, but very little from those who claimed to care so much for Americans?
The truth is, from a selfish point of view, I was appalled by the hypocrisy. I felt stupid for posting updates that nobody seemed very interested in. Big name Celebrities turned their backs, some hired private firefighters.

It bothered me how no matter what Trump did....
Even when it was obviously positive, the response was always negative. I am guilty myself of making rude comments, I won't lie.

The negativity never ends. Never.

It's isolating. You have to always watch your mouth because 1 error in rhetoric and you are a target
There is no real support, no real concern for anyone but themselves. It's about numbers rather than change. They hate the 1% yet many ARE the 1%. And, they do nothing but complain.

I could write a book on this one to be honest.

It ultimately boiled down to dishonesty.
After 24 hours of asking #MAGA for an opportunity to see what is really going on, I have been offered NOTHING BUT LOVE in return, something that isn't owed yet it was offered anyways.

I have been depressed to points of emergency over the last few months in particular.
Being surrounded by endless misery and hostility and downright lies didn't really help that. To see how loving and open and forgiving and inclusive that #MAGA actually is? I am angry. I am also very grateful.

I appreciate now and understand the reasoning behind...
Securing the borders and supporting the #POTUS. So much information has been hidden that it's sickening and downright evil.

I still have much to learn. But for now, this is what inspired me to at least ask the questions.

I hope that I made sense. I am being distracted by...
My daughter here lol!

To summarize: lies, hypocrisy, smear campaigns, self-interest, false narratives, "doxxing", and exclusivity, under the guise of love.

It's sickening. And as a result? I have now turned my back.
My experience over the last 24 hours has been humbling. It is the first time in my life that so many strangers reached out with the sole intention of kindness. I couldn't be more grateful for that.

What is being said about #MAGA is WRONG. And I don't want to support
Lies and propaganda. I am a lover of truth and justice. Equality and Patriotism. We MUST unite to end the tyranny that has overcome so much of this world.

#MAGA does exactly that. And this is why I have decided to #WalkAway.
THANK YOU FOR OPENING MY EYES and your hearts to me. What a beautiful, positive experience. Never has this happened before.

I have only good intentions and a kind heart. I mean no harm. But I am fierce in the fight against the evil that is upon us, make no mistake.
I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May 2019 be a year of redemption, freedom, and justice for all. ❀❀❀❀❀❀

Thank you for reading!
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