You should read @rebeccavallas whole thread. Then take a stroll down receipt lane with me, so I can prove Republicans hate their own constituents far more than they hate Dems.
2/3 of all Food Stamp recipients are children, elderly, and disabled. Republican states usage of the program is higher than Dem led states overall. We know things don’t happen in a vacuum, to get the full picture we need to look at additional factors. Like income.
Republicans have had control of the House and Senate for 8 years. Why are their states the poorest? The most unhealthy? Why are women from these areas more likely to die than in other states? Let me show you why.
At this point a reminder of the electoral map is well placed. Republicans seem to go out of their way to make women struggle.
Ex=In KY, If a man must work 60 min wage hrs per week to afford rent(30% ratio), & women earn 80% of what men make, how many hours must she work?🤨
To add insult to injury, Red state women are more likely to be single mothers. We know who bears the burden of child care but do you have any clue what care costs? I do. Try 25-40% of your aforementioned gender gap wage deduction.
Women are more likely to die at the hands of her significant other in Red states, but I digress.
To summarize, women are paid less but pay the same or more for goods and services. They must work more hours requiring more child care. Avg kid gets $128mo to eat, which isn’t much.
Big picture: #Control
Republican women, WHAT THE HELL? Why are you still voting for men who keep their knees in your back?
Based on the DM I just received, I wasn’t clear enough. Try this.$7.25hr less 30% for rent $2.18
$5.07 less 35% for child care $1.77
$3.30 transportation 25% $.83
$2.47 per hour left and you haven’t paid taxes, heat, lights, water, medical, or food.
Equality matters.
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