So #StoryTime back in university I was taking a human anatomy course as one of my science credits and it was not going well at all. Memorizing the layout of bones and the Latin names of organs was just not something that came easily to me. I pretty much bombed the midterm
So when it came time for the final I knew I had to buckle down and really focus as if I didn’t get at least a 3.0 in this course I was going to lose my scholarship. So I spent hours and hours studying for this examine. I read my notes I made flash cards I joined a study group
I recorded myself reading the material so I could play it at night hoping to learn it from osmosis. I did everything I could think of to prepare for this exam. So you can imagine my horror the when I sat down to take the test I couldn’t remember ANYTHING.
I fought done the panic and managed to work my way through most of the exam. When I completed it I went back through and figured I would ALMOST get the mark I needed. I just had to correctly answer one more question
That question was “How many bones are there in the human hand?” I sat there and just stared at the page trying to remember the page of the text book that showed the image of the hand but I just couldn’t remember the exact number. Then I heard a gentle tapping.
Outside the window was a goddamn squirrel just tapping on the glass. I stared at him and he looked back at me. And just when I was about to look back to my exam the squirrel seemed to point to his hand and mouth the words “24 bones”
I looked in disbelief but he (I am assuming he but I must admit to knowing even less about squirrel anatomy than the human kind) just kept pointing at his hand (paw?) and mouthing “24”
So without any other options I wrote down 24 on my paper and handed in my exam. After leaving the class I just couldn’t believe what happened so I went straight back to my room and checked in my text book.
28 bones! There are 28 bones in the human hand. That fucking Squirrel had lied to me and now I was screwed! My first real miracle it had been a lie.
Obviously I was pissed so I went back to campus and started looking for that damn squirrel. I finally found him hanging out by a bench. I grabbed him and yelled “There are 28 bones in the human hand you stupid squirrel!”
He squeaked back at me “Oh.... I thought you meant the number of bones in a squirrel’s hand. Sorry”

And that is the story of how I flunked out of anatomy. Never trust a squirrel
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