On another thread I told a bit of a story of how instantly radicalized the pro-Bernie Sanders facebook pages went as the general election 2016 drew close. Much of that content has been wiped either by FB taking down IRA pages or the pages themselves wiping. Many pages are gone
I did find a page that still looks a lot like I remember. It started out as "local" with pro Sanders messaging and then went dark. I remember hearing stories of admins being bought out or frozen out back then. That may be true, or it may be that these were not organic at start
This page started as "Boulder for Bernie" and ended as "Bernie for President 2016". Its first substantive photo post was this from May 1, 2015. It got 3 likes.
There were many posts that resonate with people like me - pro science - this was a repost in May 2015 from the Maryland for Bernie Sanders (which has largely been scrubbed).
There were lots of posts which resonated with me on economic issues and democratic fairness issues.
There was also pretty dark messaging on the anti-HRC point that resonated with me - the question of whether HRC would be willing to challenge the economic elite.
I don't remember this kind of thing, but its up in November 2015 and elicited two responses saying "take it down" and "this is not warranted" so I gather it was not yet usual.
This December 2016, so I guess at this point I should mea culpa and say the signs were there for me to see and I was tuning them out.
There's also a fair sprinkle of attacks on the press. We have all seen where that them has gone.
While there was lots of nasty woman trolling (as above) there was also lots of support for Elizabeth Warren until the page changed. That change was June 30, 2016 and this was the second post was the first of the new regime.
By July 2, 2016 it was close to full MAGA. These are July 2 -6. HRC wrapped up the nomination June 6 and Sanders endorsed her on July 26.
Full MAGA continues after the nomination is wrapped up. There's lots more of this but no need to go on.
The page also moves further into purely RU active measures themes.
And shifts to obviously pro trump messaging of the kind specifically identified as RU IRA. I must have been out of these by this point, because I don't remember any of this. These are mostly September-October 2016
There's plenty of anti-government/anti police stuff in here.
And other key RU themes. Plus a little projection.
Post election -- yikes
I hope Trump lives long enough to full absorb how big a mistake he made appointing Mattis though. Mattis is a patriot and Trump's worst enemy.
I can't take much more of this shit. March 2017 they start the attack on the russia investigation. Right around the time @patribotics is getting warmed up.
There's plenty more if you have the stomach. Timeline photos in the Bernie Sanders for President 2016 FB page. Typical of RU Active Measures its not all of a consistent theme. There's anti trump stuff too. And "rocketman" type current events.
The timeline *mostly* supports my recall - that there was a dramatic shift in tone of Sanders pages around time that HRC secured win. There were indicators before that I chose to ignore - I wasn't a fan of either HRC or Wasserman at the time. But it went full MAGA when I left.
I should note that this is an "unofficial" page, as many were. I doubt (prove me wrong though) that you would find this stuff on official pages.
I also note that you can still find up Muslims for Bernie Sanders which was specifically mentioned in the new report as well as "Storm is Coming" which was a left leaning page looks like it turned RU Active Measures. They have practically the same memes, including
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