1. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/924856413712797696
2. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/dvdfu/status/1007713792820514817?s=21
3. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/iam_somov/status/1047889761791332352?s=21
4. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/jimmycthatsme/status/1072212906568118272?s=21
5. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it

6. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it
7. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/1026294894627762177
9. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/Revieloutionne/status/1084903345914032128
10. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it

(h/t @Tipsycaek)
11. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it

(thread) https://twitter.com/bethanymarz/status/1111260385078927362?s=21
12. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/davidblattman/status/1166182230286356481?s=21
13. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/TristanGHill/status/1192118711299330049
14. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it (h/t @Andrew_Edman) https://twitter.com/freialobo/status/1193304004589060096?s=21
15. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it (h/t @Treehouseriots) https://twitter.com/_helendale/status/1194336820915396609?s=21
16. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/larrykim/status/1195627569233715200
17. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/codinghorror/status/1212095644870905856?s=21 https://twitter.com/codinghorror/status/1212095644870905856
18. The frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/fiveideasaday/status/1277932761689579520
19. the frame is a useful constraint if you think beyond it https://twitter.com/MsIsisKing/status/1289595960637579275
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