To understand the events of the past two and a half years a person has to understand that many highly placed government officials were already neck deep in treason.

Their fear of being exposed by the incoming Administration was certain motivation to take down President Trump.
A person who can’t see the continuing criminal enterprise that the government had become years and decades before President Trump’s election will not be able to understand the events that have transpired since his election.
The corruption is deeply seeded and inclusive. “Government reform” was the vehicle by which independent and honorable people were driven from the marketplace by insane regulation. The big shots used government to consolidate wealth to themselves.
A “smart politician” knew not to rock the boat, in fact, not rocking the boat meant that they were obliged to play ball. Once they played ball, they were owned for life.

Some went in dirty, and others became dirty. Those with steadfast honor became/remained powerless.
In all of this, the American Citizen was tied to a barrel and screwed without mercy.

President Trump came to office to end that bullshit. For that reason we are obliged to stand behind him through the process of TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK. It’s now or never.

Now is better.
It’s about power. Power in modern America means being able to buy the press and politicians, and buy them they did.

All of the talk about RUSSIA is a DEFLECTION to divert the public away from the awful truth that Americas worst enemies are the enemies within.
Our politicians in concert with their wealthy benefactors write law, after law, after law. So many laws that the common man CAN’T really know the law well enough to avert it’s transgression.

At this point selective prosecution is used to clear the field.
Selective prosecution is a political weapon, a weapon for which there is no defense.

The fact that the crimes of a gross offender are overlooked is no defense against the prosecution of a minor offender whom the corrupt set their sights on his destruction.
American justice was not meant to work that way.
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