🌿 motivational letters/poems i've written for ur moon sign 🌿
aries moon: you are bones being electrified by the thrill of a loud bass system in the back seat of your friend's car, as they go 95mph on a 60mph road, you are the adrenaline that makes your heart beat a little bit faster, a little bit quicker, and you love so fiercely 1/3
aries moon: that the world isn't always prepared for what you are willing to give so readily, so easily, so naively, that when your generosity is mistaken for weakness you're quick to remind them that you are a forest fire and you will not lose your embers 2/3
aries moon: but burn brighter in retaliation for what they said you couldn't or shouldn't do. 3/3
taurus moon: you are hydrangeas in full bloom, lilypads floating lazily across soft and constant streams as the sun beats lazily down on you and kisses the parts of you that they have taken for granted. you are a consistency in the form of never giving up on what you believe in
taurus moon: even when they give up on you, even when they take your patience for weakness and undermine what you're capable of, but you aren't afraid to teach the world that being soft doesn't mean you can't be strong and you show courage through the resilience of never
taurus moon: allowing the opinion of what the world thinks to alter the state of your goals and ambition, you use their doubt as soil and sprout daisies and daffodils where they told you there would be a drought.
gemini moon: You are the hopeful child on Christmas morning that lights up and embodies all that is good and optimistic in the world. You bring politics to the dinner table and ask "but why?" when they tell you-you're wrong. They fear that you don't blindly accept what they
gemini moon: what they want you to digest, like leftovers that have been out for too long. But instead, you sculpt monuments and paint colors that haven't been created into existence before you came along - and you illuminate new avenues of understanding until the world
gemini moon: finds themselves following in the footsteps you've paved for them. You are an assortment of lights that flicker on when the world feels dark and inspire others to find their own way.
cancer moon: Everyone who has ever come into your life, you've found yourself loving and still loving to this day. Your heart is heavy and you wear it quite readily for anyone who is in need of your comfort and healing, but you find yourself pouring out so readily that you
cancer moon: empty yourself out into others, and are left at times feeling left hanging. They use your heart like a revolving door and mistake it for weakness until they are in need of its comfort. But your power comes from having the patience of always offering a shoulder to
cancer moon: when they need to cry, and carrying forgiveness/understanding of knowing there is a resilience in healing others even when you can't find healing in yourself. You're the comfort of hot chocolate, sweet but will burn anyone who is hasty with you. You are nobody's fool
leo moon: You are a bonfire summoning people to gather around and roast marshmallows on you. You are slow burning embers that crackle ever so often, just to remind them that you're there, to remind them that you're not going anywhere, to remind yourself that you're alive. You
leo moon: You want so badly to feel revered by them, by the ones you care for and respect, but they underestimate your fire and mistake it for theatrical effect. They mock how beautifully raw you can wear your wounds and be honest with them about your feelings, but they
underestimate the fire within you and you are generous but not naive, and even if they dampen you, they will never put you out. You show courage through how fiercely you love, even when you don't feel loved - you are resilient in your forgiveness. Even when they don't apologize.
virgo moon: Your mind is the most beautiful thing about you, your ability to think one step ahead of your loved ones. Trying to mold yourself into whatever it is they need from you, whatever it is they want from you, whatever it is they need you to be for them. You are tirelessly
virgo moon: retracing every step, every thought process, every event in your life that can better perfect or benefit the lives of your loved ones. You pour yourself eagerly into their lives, like crushed mint and lemonade in their glasses. Afraid of not being useful enough
virgo moon: but you exceed the expectations of what they could ever dream of wanting from a person. You're the invention that inspires a nation, you are the backbone and you are more than enough. You are the sound of everyone sighing in relief.
libra moon: You wanted carousals glimmering in the distance but feel in the back of your head that it is a mirage you were always slightly out of reach from touching. You love so tirelessly and so endlessly, you give every part of you to anyone who promises to be kind but
libra moon: but sometimes the world is a cruel place. Your kindness is seen by others as a bottomless glass of champagne, they can pour out at their leisure. You are resilient though, in your quest of doing what is right even if others are wrong. You love so willingly that it
libra moon: it inspires change even in the darkest of hearts. You are the ocean's current, kissing the shore routinely even if it never kisses you back. Your soul is illuminated by millions of fairy lights that glisten and refuse to go out - you are a fighter, that never gives up
scorpio moon: You are the smell of cookie dough baking in the oven. You comfort people with your presence, and sense of self-assuredness. You are endlessly empathetic to the needs of others, and constantly seeking to understand and fix whatever problem is presented to you
scorpio moon: even when beneath the surface you are a tornado that feels bound to nothing and endlessly jolted around internally. You seek comfort through fixing others, even if hurricanes are taking place within you. You find clarity in giving your last life raft to
scorpio moon: someone, even if they are only experiencing partly cloudy skies. Even if that means you might be pulled away by the undertow, it is your bravery and selflessness that resuscitates you. You are strength in the form of kind eyes and a heavy smile.
sagittarius moon: you are the crackle and whistle of thousands of fireworks being ignited into the night sky on fourth of July. You are the adrenaline that pushes everyone's heartbeat to skip and thrum symphonies in their chest and rattle their ribcage. You are the
sagittarius moon: light that leads people home after a long and hard journey. You are so excited to shed light on new ideas and experiences, that your tongue at times is too quick for a world that moves like molasses in an enclosed jar. You are beaten down because of this, but
they have shown you time and time again that they have always been fearful of people or places they do not understand. It's not that you are broken or damned, but they just require patience. You sprout four-leafed clovers from the places they've rained judgment on you.
capricorn moon: You are the sound of milk steaming in pitchers, by carefully tedious baristas mastering the art of handcrafted lattes. You are the whirring of a busy street, that is lulled and tranquil within the endlessly long list of tasks you must conquer before bed you
capricorn moon: try so desperately to pour your soul into your resumé. Using your ever-increasing list of expertise to aid you in the inner conflict of emotions that bubble beneath the surface. You try so desperately to provide for your loved ones, and blanket them in
capricorn moon: the reassurance of you always being punctual and routine. But bottling up your emotions leaves you drowning at night, and they call you hollow but you love sincerely and earnestly while they crash and burn and repeat the process. Your sincerity is what guides you.
aquarius moon: You are the curiosity of a child that sits beside the Christmas tree, past midnight, hoping to catch Santa in the process. You are the hypercritical yet open-minded optimist, who finds beauty in the chaos of the people around you. They call you foolish, but you
aquarius moon: galaxies of secrets behind your eyes, and love them so tenderly even if they don't want you, even if they don't deserve you, even if they take you for granted. You force affection down like hard whiskey, and pretend you feel nothing but it's the nostalgia that
aquarius moon: that follows you into bed at night, haunting you like the ghosts you talk to but tell them you've never seen. You love so tenderly, every person you've ever met. That you use your nonchalance as a coping mechanism for how heavy and forgiving your heart is.
pisces moon: You are the dewy beads of the sun that turn seeds into sunflowers, you kiss the spirit of everyone around you and bring them to life. You are so kind and so giving, that they mistake this for weakness but it's your resilience in the form of never letting them
pisces moon: see you when you're down. Never letting them know your heart is tired and that you're calloused but that you're trying. You are a soft garden picnic where melodic 50's music croons breathily in the background. Everyone is invited, to sit beneath the branches and talk
with you, even if they don't deserve you. You show forgiveness in the form of patience for them. Even if they don't understand you, you understand them and it's your compassion and willingness to never give up on the people you care about that sets you apart from the rest of them
💐 My dear, lovely, Milkshakes. I wrote this thread as a letter of promise and gratitude for you all. I want you to know that I appreciate every single interaction I receive, and I am never going to feel deserving of you. I love you, I promise I am going to never stop growing
into the person, I feel you deserve to follow. Thank you for believing in me, even if I don't believe in myself. I see you all, and I hope I can make you guys proud of my work, my content, and my character. I will work to earn this.
Thank you. 💐
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