Made this flowchart today to explain why it takes so long for me to tell stories. My brain can have a hard time distinguishing which thoughts/ideas are more important than others. It gets complicated. 🧠 #ADHD
Joined @HowtoADHD on Discord chat after becoming a Patreon subscriber today, which inspired me to draw this. It’s really nice to talk to other people who just... get it. 💕
Another drawing I made to help visually explain how #ADHD feels:
Quick sketch about my chronic anxiety/paranoia that everyone is always mad at me:
I’ve only done these 3 so far, but if people can relate to them, I’d love to do a longer series!
I’m blown away by how many people have quoted this tweet. So happy (and maybe a bit teary-eyed) that my silly flowchart—which I was nervous to post in the first place—has resonated with so many people.

You guys are awesome. Love my #ADHD tribe! More graphics on the way ✹
“You just need to try harder!”
“Don’t be lazy.”
“Nobody likes doing that stuff.”
“Just make a plan & stick to it.”
“Set a reminder in your phone.”
“It’s not that difficult. Grow up.”

Those with #ADHD know how it feels to struggle with basic habits that come easy to other people:
Lmao this hit Facebook and has 30,000+ shares in just a few hours.

Remind me to add a watermark next time one of my tweets blows up 🙈
All right, a few of you have DM'ed asking for the link to my Patreon page, so here you go: 

I feel weird plugging it, but the less I have to freelance, the more I can work on making comics! Love you guys; still can't believe the support this is getting đŸ„°
#ADHD: It all depends on how you look at it.

“You are not weird. You are not stupid. You do not need to try harder. You are not a failed version of normal. You are different. You are beautiful. And you are not alone.”

— Jessica McCabe, @HowtoADHD
All or nothing.

For me, #ADHD results in a lot of black-or-white thinking. Anything less than perfect feels like a total failure. Breaking even ONE DAY of a streak immediately results in falling off the wagon.

I am 100% or 0%, and have a hard time accepting anything in between.
Why can’t I finish what I start?

Set unrealistic expectations. Start project. Burn out. Abandon ship. Half-read books, failed exercise plans, unfinished projects & an inner voice that says “Why bother? You can’t finish anything” since all I do is break promises I make to myself.
“Why are you always late?”

Time mismanagement is the #1 biggest struggle for me when it comes to #ADHD.

I find myself unaware of time passing, miscalculating how long things wil take, and not planning any extra time in case of delays. It spirals out of control REAL QUICK.
Hyperfocus is the #ADHD opposite of distractibility, often masquerading as ”productivity.” It’s easy to get stuck on one task far too long.

Poor attention regulation can go both ways, y’all.

Good luck trying to tear me away from something I’m interested in...
The #ADHD Guide to Project Completion 😬
Forgive yourself.

#ADHD comes with so much shame and guilt. I’m quick to forgive others, but never show myself the same compassion.

Quick reminder: No one is 100% perfect, 100% of the time.
“I Will, Just Not Right Now.”

I’m good at self-rationalizing. “I can’t do that right now—I’m too hungry/tired/busy.”

🚹 SPOILER ALERT: I am NEVER going to feel like it. 🚹

(Inspired by a tweet from @ADHDublin) #ADHD
My brain can only handle one input/output at a time.

I can’t even concentrate on work if I’m listening to music with lyrics 🙈 #ADHD
#ADHD takes many forms that involve overcompensating & coping mechanisms. I’m never all of them at once, but I am always at least one of them.

Do any of these ring true for you? Which ones?

P.S. I’ll be releasing individual posts with write-ups for each one!
The first individual write-up of my Faces of #ADHD series!

“Hopeless Romantic” me is passionate and adventurous. When I fall for someone, I fall hard. But I have a hard time getting over being broken up with, because it takes me longer than most to recover from rejection.

As a child with undiagnosed #ADHD, I got in trouble for “talking back” to my parents/teachers due to poor emotional control & authority issues.

Now, I get stress build-up, frustrated with myself over perceived shortcomings, and stubborn/argumentative without realizing it.

Despite my #ADHD, I was labeled “gifted” in school. I was ahead of my peers but got frustrated with the slow pace of the curriculum.

It’s often referred to as “twice exceptional child syndrome” and was the reason I never got treated— despite lack of organizational/social skills.
Twice-exceptional students can be broken into 3 categories:

1: Students who excel but later show signs of disability

2: Students with diagnosed disabilities who show exceptional gifts in some areas

3: Highly intelligent students who seem average because they have disabilities
“I could have done better” plays on repeat in my brain, even after I’ve already turned something in.

Obsessive Perfectionist should really be called “hyperfocus on steroids.” When I’m in my flow, it’s so easy to lose track of time (thanks to chronic tinkering tendencies). #ADHD
1) Have cool idea for new project, career goal or side hustle
2) Research
3) Get excited
4) Buy supplies
5) Go hard for a week
6) Lose steam
7) Find something else to do
8) Occasionally remember
abandoned goal with twinge of guilt & anger you never finish anything
9) Repeat
Fitting in has always played a huge part in my self-esteem. Feeling lonely (and worrying my friends don’t actually like me) WRECKS me. I use self-deprecating humor to lighten the mood.

If I’m not fun to be around, I worry people won’t want to spend time with me.

đŸ„ł (6/9) #ADHD
I care too much about everything, especially making others happy. I feel bad about things that aren’t my fault. I worry my friends don’t like me. I put off stressful things + hate confrontation. I expect to be fired whenever my boss schedules a “Quick Chat” meeting 😰 (7/9) #ADHD
I walk into a room, open my phone, or start a sentence--only to forget what I was trying to do entirely. People get frustrated reminding me of things ("selective listening"). To-do's that aren't written down get forgotten. If my brain isn't engaged, I'm not there.

đŸ‘©â€đŸš€ (8/9) #ADHD
Final comic of my "Faces of ADHD" series! ADHD isn't all symptoms/deficiencies. Our generosity shines. Although I can get overwhelmed by overcommitting, I do it because I want to assist everyone who comes to me for help.

🩾(9/9) #ADHD

Full series is on my pinned profile thread!
"I can't ____ until I ____" is the #1 reason I struggle to get things done. I start off with great intentions, but it always turns into this cycle. Whatever the distraction, it feels extremely important in the moment! But I lose track of time, and before I know it... đŸ€·â€â™€ïž #ADHD
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