Hi, Historian here with my specialty in1930s Germany and LGBT history

You are so super wrong.
Please read a book.

The most famous nazi book burnings were of trans medicinal litterature, much of which was lost forever. https://twitter.com/FeministRoar/status/1072647932770430978
It is true that trans people were not categorized specifically as trans by the nazis (with few exceptions), because *they* saw trans people as Gay or lesbian due to a common misunderstanding in medicinal history to link gender and sexual orientation.
Trans people very much did exist and we know this because doctors had been trying to cure us, trans people specifically, since at least the 1880. I suggest reading Richard von Krafft-Ebing - Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie
English translation avaliable
That work is a typical example of how trans people were identified, classified and pathologized, albeit with different words than we have today. And this medicinal thinking became extremely influencial in western medicine for almost everyone doing anything with sex science
And the nazis famously used this flawed understanding of sex and gender to harm trans people with idea they were hurting gay/lesbian people. Just because they didn't specify us doesn't mean they didn't target us. Had they known about us, they would have targeted us anyway.
The most famous example of targeting towards trans people was the burning of Magnus Hirschfelds, a jewish sexologist, Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. An insitute dedicated to pretty much what we would today call LGBT activism and science.
This institute and Magnus himself advocated for LGBT rights in Weimar Germany, provided safe haven for many lgbt people and developed early methods of trans transitioning healthcare, many developed versions of which still exist today.
The Nazis targeted this place and saw no practical difference between LGBT people. They saw us all as sexual degenerates. They were nazis, they're kind of dicks that way.

I also suggest you consider that what you are doing however is a form of holocaust denial.
A homophobic and transphobic society back then didn't record much difference between us, and because of that we don't know details of how many trans people specifically were lost. We don't even know how many lgbt lives specifically were lost wearing the pink triangle.
But suggesting that trans people didn't exist, and therefore couldn't have been victims of the holocaust, is deeply insulting to *All* victims of it. To deny one part of it is to undermine the lessons we must learn so that we make sure it can never happen again.
And every single bit of denial fuels not just anti-trans hate, but fuels all hatred against those who were impacted by the holocaust. I truly think that you are a disgusting human being who lets her hate of others fuel a false history that only exists in your mind.
But I suggest you read a bit. Read Die transvesiten by Hirschfeld for a well before out time look at trans people. Or read Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie for a view into how the violence against all LGBT people was justified in the science of those days.
But the key thing is that our modern view of separating sexual orientation and gender identity is very modern, while it has always existed. But it was not the mainstream scientific consensus of the day. Because of this trans people were often categorised as gay/lesbian
or more commonly in those days, "degenerates" "sodomites" "sexual inverts" etc.
This is one of the reasons the LGBT community is even a thing. Because of or shared oppression under the science that dominated much of western medicinal history, not just the nazis.

When camps were liberated, those wearing the pink triangle were often put in prison again.
Because the science that was used to hate us wasn't just nazi ideology, it was western ideology. And you are insulting the memories of the people who were forced to stay in camps and jails after being "liberated" too.
But if you want something that *only* focuses on us? in November 11, 1933 the head of the Hamburg police was told to pay special attention to transvestites (a term which then means trans people as well as cross dressers) and bring them to concentration camps.
in 1938, a german medical journal recommended that the “phenomena of transvestism” be exterminated from public life and said that the current measures (concentration camps) were good enough for this task.
If you read the original in german it is written in such a way to imply that the journal feels satified in the current measures of extreminating transvestisism.
And again, transvesite was the more common term for someone we today would call transgender or trans, as well as other gender non conforming attributes.
apologies for any misspellings. English is my second language and my autocorrect on computer is set to swedish.
P.S. A thing I forgot, during the bookburning of the entire library of the institute, the one thing they made sure to not burn was the member roster, which contained names and adresses which they used to round up as many people as they could and shuffle into concentration camps.
It is an historical fact and denying the evidence that does exist in favour of nothing is tantamount to lying about the holocaust.

I hope you educate yourself and open your eyes to actual historical fact, and not anti-trans propaganda.
*duh, duh duh. Another terf bites the truth*

*and another terf gone, and another terf gone, another terf bites the trust*
hey, I'm gonna teach you too

Another terf bites the truth, heyyyeah, yeah.
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