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Sun in Scorpio in the 12th is indicative of 3 things -
- possible medically significant event surrounding the birth or pregnancy
- weak immune system
- the Scorpio influence on the 12H Sun is indicative of rebirth through periods of being sickly and healing https://twitter.com/solelunastro/status/1071922881985200128
Moon in Scorpio at 29• in the 1st house suggests to me that he will go through constant changes (Moon) of Healthy vs sickly (Scorpio) through his childhood (moon) the 29th degree tells me that it’s serious and may not be as simple as a recurring cold.
Jupiter and Venus are in mutual reception. Venus rules the 6th house of general health. This suggest to me that luck and blessings are on his side.

Jupiter is Sextile to Saturn, suggesting that the situation will improve with time (Saturn)
Which goes back to what I said about this being something that he’ll likely only have to endure in childhood (Moon)
The excess Scorpio energy suggest constant change and transformation. No stagnancy. The situation will always change.
The ruler of the 1st is Pluto. Pluto is square Jupiter in the 11th. This makes me feel like perhaps he could experience an improvement to his health when there are numerous people surrounding him, making his room pretty and saying I love yous left and right.
The Jupiter influence makes me feel like he sees a positive change whenever there is a loooot (Jupiter) of joyful energy around him.
🚨 This is my own personal interpretation. Posted with permission from the account owner.

Obviously I’m not a doctor but it’s my opinion that if we can see the problem within the chart, then we must be able to see the solution as well.
*Forgot to add that the ruler of the 8th (serious health) is in the 12th which indicates hospitalized stays regarding a serious health issue
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