“Prisons are the logical outcome of the country’s foundation on the genocide of Native Americans, the enslavement of Africans, & the “manifest destiny” of imperial settlerism — from sea to shining sea.” - Marilyn Buck (1947-2010), anti-imperialist freedom fighter, poet, BLA
“We thank Marilyn Buck...For showing us that they can never imprison, never imprison our souls, they can never imprison our ideals, they can never imprison our principles, & they can never imprison our energies which will be directed, even in prison, against the enemy.” - K. Ture
Kwame Ture visiting Marilyn Buck @ FCI Dublin in 1994.
One of the few white ppl in the Black Liberation Army (BLA), Buck was sentenced to 80 years in prison for her work w/ the BLA, including the liberation of Assata Shakur in 1979
Buck & Mutulu Shakur (Tupac’s stepfather), co-defendants & political prisoners of the BLA
"I do not believe that women can be liberated unless societies are liberated, until there are different social structures, until the means of production are controlled by the ppl who do the producing. & that means women, that means men, & that means whole nations" - Marilyn Buck
"Assata represents the strength & the spirit of Black peoples's struggle for liberation in this country. & when that spirit, that representation of that spirit, is free then there's hope..." - Marilyn Buck, 1989
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