ppl with paraphilias aren't at fault for having them, but they are responsible for managing them. if you know you're attracted to beings who can't consent, it's YOUR responsibility to distance yourself from them, not simply to acknowledge it as part of your identity. seek help.
if you struggle with zoophilic urges, don't involve yourself in the furry fandom.
if you struggle with pedophilic urges, don't go on sites where there are children.
"i didn't ask for this attraction."
yeah well neither did your potential victims. handle your shit.
i'm not going to say "all zoophiles/pedophiles deserve to die," bc that simply pushes ppl away from seeking help. no tolerance though. zero. none. get your ass to a therapist or stay the hell away from anyone you could hurt until you can. period.
full disclosure: i struggled with dangerous paraphilias in my past due to trauma and abuse at the hands of adults when i was a child. i have never acted on them and i practiced behavioral therapy until i felt disgust and repulsion at those urges... now i don't feel them at all.
i didn't have access to a therapist. all i really had was the internet circa mid-90s. and you know what? i knew the things i was feeling were wrong. i knew. you know. and if i can do it, with my past of horrific abuse, so can you. no excuses.
if you're really unable to get to therapy and you're still having issues... every time you catch yourself thinking about those urges, eat a tablespoon of hot sauce. or vegemite. or whatever thing would gross you out to eat. it sounds stupid but it's a start.
it's all about conditioning and reconditioning. it's all about training your brain to do things you want and not do the ones you don't.
and before anyone starts: i have at LEAST one personality disorder from each cluster so no... mental illness isn't an excuse either.
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