I was just flicking through a study done by Essex uni in 2014, into poverty facing the LGBT+ community & in my opinion it creates a very comprehensive over-view of the systematic oppression bi people face, so here's a big ol' thread of key highlights;
Here's the study, which is very worth having a look through: https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/research/publications/working-papers/iser/2014-02.pdf
"Bisexuals seem to have very similar household structures as compared to heterosexuals yet as will be seen later suffer health and earnings inequalities somewhat worse that gay men and lesbians which most likely contribute to their greater material disadvantage."
"Amongst sexual minorities, bisexuals seem to suffer worse mental health as, in a community sample of self-identified LGB people, Dobinson et al (2003) found that bisexual people reported poorer mental health than either heterosexual or lesbian and gay men."
"However, significantly fewer bisexual students, about 55 percent, aspire to get A - levels with similar results for those saying they have an “other” sexual orientation or prefer not to say."
"Approximately 22 percent of heterosexual students experience any bullying -- physical or otherwise -- whereas nearly 38 percent of lesbian or gay students and 41 percent of bisexual students experience bullying." (NI)
"Bisexual students are particularly
vulnerable to both physical and other kinds of bullying."
"Of particular concern is significantly poorer health for bisexual men and women. Good health can be a resource akin to human capital in that those in good physical and mental health might be better able to provide for their material needs."
"Reducing bisexual invisibility and highlighting minority stress experienced by bisexual women may also go a long way towards improving their life chances across all areas."
"Gay and bisexual men are both likely to experience material disadvantage to some extent. However, other aspects of bisexual men's lives differentiate them from gay men in important ways that could account for greater material disadvantage."
"As with other areas, policies that support bisexual visibility, and reduce or enhance resiliency to minority stress experienced by bisexual men would be helpful in improving their life chances."
Tomorrow, I will add my analysis to this but for now I'm too tired. Still, I think a lot of these quotes speak for themselves. Particularly the ones about bullying, why is the narrative almost the opposite - that bi people don't really expert bullying for our sexuality?
@herong, @we_are_biscuit, @StillBisexual, @BiNetUSA - might be of interest to y'all 💜💖💙
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