I have been engaged in a plastic straw, not necessarily debate, more of a never-ending fusillade launched by @sanecentrist that I check into from time to time. He's very against them and thinks I'm a monster bc I find they give me joy and are barely an actual problem...
The crux of the issue is the stat that plastic straws contribute 0.03% of oceanic plastic https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-06-07/plastic-straws-aren-t-the-problem And people interpret 0.03% as "some" whereas I interpret it "as so small as to constitute effectively none
Some fun facts; if the % of straws in oceanic plastic were translated to time spent watching every star wars film back to back the straws would represent 24 1/2 seconds of the nearly 23 hours of Star wars films.
if the % of straws in oceanic plastic were translated to scripture, it would be 234 words out of the entire King James Bible, or a third of a page. The word "feet" shows up more often.
If the % of straws in oceanic plastic were translated to football it would represent ONE pass completion out of Aaron Rodgers entire career
If the % of straws in oceanic plastic were translated to every Michael Jackson single ever released, played back to back, the straw % would represent approximately 6 seconds of listening time.
Finally, if the % of straws in oceanic plastic were translated to this thread you've been reading (or, if you're sane not) the % of straws would be represented by less than half of one character (including spaces). So the "l" or the "c" in a lowercase "b", but not both.
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