Many talented directors are great at their craft, but haven’t developed good leadership and people management skills. Here’s a thread with some pointers.
1. Be able to back up your decisions if questioned

Cast or crew will sometimes argue with a decision you made. The moment you resort to “Because I’m the director and I say so”, your authority is down the drain.
If, instead, you give a clear reason - say, “Because 8 pages ago, that happened which relates to our current scene in this way” - people will soon stop asking because they’ll trust you know your shit.

Obviously, first, know your shit.
2. Get to know people’s personalities

Learn what motivates your team. Some actors like room to explore. Others will clam up if not given clear guidance. Some crew members like lots of praise. Others will find it patronising and want it assumed that they’re good at their job.
During a calm day, it doesn’t seem important. But when you need people to do something out of the ordinary, under pressure, this knowledge will get you results.
3. Calm, assertive energy

Absolutely ask other departments for input when needed, but even when you’re freaking out, don’t show it. Think of yourself as a captain. When everyone’s scared, you show the way.
4. Show Appreciation

Especially to non-creative, but still essential crew members. Everyone is making sacrifices, everyone is important to the shoot. Would their position exist if it wasn't needed?
I do it in person, but I also like to text everyone individually at the end of a shoot, citing something specific they did well. "Thanks everyone" is near meaningless.
5. Stick up for those lower in the hierarchy

If someone treats another crew member with disrespect, make it very clear that it's unacceptable. No inappropriate jokes. Nobody yells. Nobody takes it out on the runner.
Show that you can be trusted, and show that you see and appreciate your team’s work.

They will follow you to the end of the world.
You can follow @becauseivy.
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