Conquest’s second law says that any organization that is not explicitly right wing becomes leftist sooner or later. Why? Why does Cthulhu swim left? Why, in other words, is the moral arc of history bent?
Like anyone who suffers from political cogitation, I sometimes ask myself, good lord, how can my enemies be so colossally stupid and yet keep beating me at every turn?!
I meet these very nice, gregarious, charming, civilized people who I know have voted left, have shared prosaic orange man bad memes with their friends, they’re lovely people, truly, often very smart
So I ask myself, what is leftism, what is this tendency, how can we rationally believe that our hated enemies, who stand up for things that we find so nauseating, are merely deceived?
There is of course the whole Ted K angle of oversocialization, the leftist stands up for the “weak” because she herself feels weak, etc. this I believe is true, but it’s not the whole story
What is this insidious power that, when you try to talk about it, it makes you look crazy, and yet it grows, and devours, and above all sodomizes? @wokecapital
The psychologically contemptible side of leftism is the flipside of the cunning and cutting and ruthless intelligence of ambition. Each manufactures the other.
Intelligence is competence at winning games and leftism-as-intelligence is a set of strategies for winning games where the victory condition is majority consensus
The leftist thrives on consensus procedures, it is why over-socialization its its necessary output. What is a “consensus procedure”? It’s any time a decision is made by majority vote
This need not be an electoral-political game. Any time you make a decision via committee, any time your team at work votes on something, you “did leftism”.
Committee decisions are notoriously bad because no one has ownership.
Ambition is not the will to power, but the desire to exercise it. How do you exercise power in an organization where rules are decided by voting? Easy. You become the coordinator of the voting process itself
Organizing votes makes you look like a good guy, a builder of society. And what structure do you build? You build one where votes flow downhill into your desired outcomes
Everyone knows examples of consensus manipulation: Gerrymandering. Proposed voter ID schemes. Importing foreigners who will predictably vote a certain way. Rules about voting schedules. Physical locations of voting booths.
You think only political parties play vote manipulation games? They happen in every board room and every corporate panel and every hiring committee and product signoff and etc etc etc
And you can be a really good person and have really good intentions but you live in a committee-driven society and if you need to exercise power (for good! Always for good!) then you must learn to manipulate consensus procedures
You can be the most right wing evola-reading gun-shooting monarchist-larping miscegenator-murdering fuck ever to spring from the loins of the South but the moment you try to change anything in an institutional or political level you become a leftist
And there’s no way out. The only right-wing strategy for winning votes is having babies and it doesn’t work IT’S TOO SLOW and there’s plastic in the air and plastic in the water and plastic in your blood
Plastic is derived from petrochemicals which are made from the dead bodies of ancient monsters buried deep under the earth and when you suck up Gaia’s soul repository and literally burn it to stream anime titties (male) onto your phone she turns you into a woman for it you fuck
You think decentralization is going to save you? Bitcoin uses math to make consensus more robust against leftism but it doesn’t go far enough, how can it?
What do you think the cathedral IS? It’s a decentralized consensus manipulator that has figured out how to enforce voting patterns that guarantee its proliferation.
Gender politics are the chemical reaction that fuels the current wave of leftism, it’s why we have to keep talking about it. It’s like a fusion reactor. Blow up the nuclear family and unfathomable power is released in the meltdown
Rule by committee releases toxic social waste as a byproduct; conformist, alienated depressed people who know something has been taken from them but they don’t know what or how. So they appoint a committee to fix the problem.
The problem is leftism scales easily, because it leverages the miserable conditions it creates into loyalty the it can use for further leftism. Rightists depend on strong people to exercise strength, leftists depend on weak people. Cthulhu swims left
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