Some 2 months back, I Visited Tanji Beach with just a camera, to talk to people on the grind and capture stories. I had interesting conversations with people I met along the beach and got breathtaking pictures- this goes beyond the quality but the story behind the pictures.
Here I’ll share the pictures ( as I finish editing them, because my lazy self is unpredictable) and a narrative from our conversation. #Gambia is beyond the Kombo, explore and learn about our people, our country and build on that context.

Enjoy and feed your eyes!!
Here is a man who left his home because he couldn’t stand waking up to the sufferings of his family, unable to provide for them.
I met him on the shores of Tanji beach where he built his lodge- his only means of survival.
With all the the hurdles and bumps, through all the chaos and rustiness, he wears this smile-his gift to humanity. For him, it’s more than just a happy face and a show of white teeth.
For him;
“S= Society
M= Mankind
I= Intelligent
L= Love
E= Everyone”
Second face is here!!!

He does not own a boat neither is there a guaranteed means of earning but he wakes up every day with immense hope and undiluted drive to support a family he left in some part of another country.
My conversation with this guy made me weak! so much to be grateful for. "...We all wish we had better jobs that bring better pay but if you leave behind a family that must eat, as a MAN, you’ve to do anything out there for their survival”
#Photography #Faces
These boats are a reminder of all the souls that embarked on the journey of deserts and seas. Those who boarded the boats and drowned.
Those who gave their dreams flight only to watch them crumble through the deserts.
A reminder for all the stories untold ✌🏾
I saw these young men pulling their fishing net at a distance and immediately rushed to join them. It’s not what they were doing that caught my attention but the words they were chanting in unison and the determination written on their faces.
“Du nyu sacha dunj fen ligaye rek lanj ham
Gorr Jambarr, songal mbaal
Bul tiit bul ragal.
Segal songa mbaal b yaakor maan.
Gorr fula, gorr jomm,
Lor songu rek daan, yai goor, yow la nyepp yakarr.
Dunj sacha, dunj fen, ligaye rek lenj hamm”
The is the 2019 energy!! Yes?!
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