On days like today... well, we all have better and worse days. Normally I pre-write my threads but this is a more personal note. It has no dramatic arc, maybe no belletrism. This has nothing to do with my temporary account lock. I just feel like talking
I just wanted to write a nice little story about machinic replicators from a distant star colonizing earth through the blockchain. I had 45 followers. I treated my threads like a confessional
But people liked it, I realized I could find an audience for the things I like to say. I grew vain, I got a taste of that notification tab. I’m not on the spectrum but I really like ludic loops. I used to grind out the max level in all my jrpgs as a kid
Often I feel like I’m repetitive, like I say such obvious things, just with a little flare, that’s all. But then again, devotionals are often repetitive, and I believe we live in such spiritual poverty, that if someone speaks with a touch of authority and drama, we listen
This style can be polarizing. It is authoritative apropos of nothing. No matter. Self-justification, like I always talk about, you know?
Some people call me a fascist, but if I am, I am a very nice fascist. I want to build a better world for everyone and I happen to think the way to do that is to stop chasing hideous lies, to build a moral society that can create strong leaders
I don’t want to feel ashamed of our rulers, I want to feel like they are better men than I am. But today my personal life could be going better, and to some degree one can find comfort in the scriptures, yes, even a non-believer can do that
But when something goes wrong, society does not have your back. There’s no transcendent authority... but you see? The confession turns to a sermon. Horrible
I can be quite oblivious in my life, head always in the clouds, a dreamer, as cliché as that is. I have a tendency to neglect people, or hide from them...
But what’s the point of reading an enriching book if you can’t discuss it? Even Zarathustra came down from his mountain. He spoke to an eagle and a serpent, when the people rejected him, I think those animals represented his own wisdom and cunning
It’s a while since I read it
I am trying to write a new story for you, a strange and disturbing text. I hope it lives up to your expectations. Like any writer I am plagued by doubts. I don’t like calling myself a writer, I’m more of a tweeter, a twit.
Please don’t interpret my self-deprecation as a request for validation
Anyway if you haven’t read the gig economy, give it a read. Bad vibes pass, emotions are transient. You want the melancholy to stop now but it stops only when it wants, or when someone forgives you. https://zerohplovecraft.wordpress.com/2018/05/11/the-gig-economy-2/
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