Just catching up on the 地味なハロウィン ("sober Halloween") event, where flashy fancy dress is banned, in favour of everyday cosplay. This girl has come as the kind of model you see on cheap Korean fashion mail order sites. https://dailyportalz.jp/kiji/jimi-halloween-2018
These two have come as an apologetic YouTube video.
Her sash says なにかの親善大使 ("A goodwill ambassador for something or other")
I like some of the characters from a couple of years ago. She's mother chasing after her kids, with all the things they've left behind at home. https://twitter.com/keizi666/status/924574542135148550
She's come as a member of staff at an organic herb tea speciality shop, enthusastically offering samples. https://twitter.com/rrrr_l4/status/924544452911276032
He's come an actor in his 20s, who is playing the part of a high school kid. https://twitter.com/oinumaharuka/status/924582104121327616
You can't get more everyday than cosplaying as a guy who has spilled coffee down his front. https://twitter.com/hageshimizuhage/status/924555894540533760
Someone who hasn't realized their rucksack is wide open. https://twitter.com/keizi666/status/924581308986093568
This girl went as "some kind of Asian working at a sushi joint in America". https://twitter.com/mikotosoup/status/924588414481063936
This is "A guy, who bought instant noodles & filled them with hot water at a nearby convenience store, and is now waiting at a traffic light, on his way back to the office". https://twitter.com/enoshigemi/status/924590057771503616
There's a certain genius to this one. She's come as temp staff on door duty. https://twitter.com/oinumaharuka/status/924560360375324672
This guy is a hotel guest going to get his breakfast. https://twitter.com/usamin__s/status/924575696147554304
A couple going home after laser eye surgery
An apprentice hairdresser, who has cut too much off, with a customer who is left speechless.
Uniqlo mannequin
Guy has come as someone who has just arrived at Haneda Airport, and feels a bit cold.
Guy is a commuter who got his jacket caught in the subway door at Ikejiri Ohashi, and couldn't get off until Kudanshita (presumably, because the doors kept opening on the other side). She's carrying her rubbish because she couldn't find a bin at the station.
This guy is a tourist in Kawagoe, who bought his fugashi snack souvenir too early, and has to carry it around.
This woman has come as a customer in a crowded food court, who went to get cups of water first, and now can't find anywhere to sit.
She went as someone who just had a blood test, and now can't do anything straight after. https://twitter.com/uni_iga_iga/status/1056094459279028224
He's someone who ate curry udon for lunch.
He went as a foreigner who accidentally bought dog treats instead of otsumami snacks.
He's someone who has locked himself out of his hotel room. https://twitter.com/Da0re5QB/status/1056119143055781888
He's the ubiquitous 二番目にお待ちのお客様 ("Next Customer" - as in "Next customer, please," at the cash register)
She's the girl in the hananoa hay fever nasal wash ad.
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