Reads a fic where a TON of groceries, including condoms and the like, only costs $73.51

What state do you live in where meat and basic supplies are that cheap??? How good at couponing are you?? The amount of steak you bought should be at least $30+
The cheapest 24 packs of condoms are $9 and that doesn’t include sales tax

Steak is about $9 /lb and if you think I’m not gonna start breaking this all down you’re wrong and haven’t been following me very long
Ok breaking it all down

Condoms (4 boxes of 24) at $9/box = $36
8 packages of steak at $9/lb, lets say 1 lb. each = $72
6 boxes of protein bars at $8/each = $48
5 bottles of lube (water-based, therefore more expensive, averaging price around $9) = $45

1 flat of bottled water = $4
14 frozen meals = $14, let’s say the shopper doesn’t care much about the quality
Chocolate = $2

That’s $221 right there, you’re feeding a whole ass family
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