Sajal's comment analysis: nothing but exaggeration. 💀
Firstly, she spelled ahad's name with a capital A which means she cares for him and she doesn't want to make him feel like he's less important to her because she wants to make him feel special. ❤
Now may I have your attention to "soo" with an extra o which shows that she finds him really really really cute even just generally. He'll say something and sajal will be in awe because he's just so adorable even when he does little things.
Next: she said "you're" and not "are you" which at least gives ME some child-like vibes and it shows how pure their relationship is. Like I'd say this to someone who I feel extremely close to and share a deep bond with and just out of pure love for that person.
Last but not least: the emojis. My fav part. This gives me the feeling that she felt VERY shy (hence more than 1 emoji) knowing thousands of people will read that caption as well as showing how she is all hearts for him while he's indirectly claiming her as his.
Finally, I wrote this in the middle of doing my assignment. Lmao.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk about sajal's 5 words comment and 3 emojis. sksksk
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