By the way, if you think that the US effort to remove gender from UN human rights documents won't get anywhere, here's a reminder of what happened when they didn't agree with a UN resolution on breastfeeding.
"The US is threatening to veto a United Nations resolution on combatting the use of rape as a weapon of war because of its language on reproductive and sexual health, according to a senior UN official and European diplomats."

Urgh 😒
"The Trump administration has taken its war on abortion worldwide, cutting off all funding to any overseas organisation or clinic that will not agree to a complete ban on even discussing it."

Again, in case you thought this might be limited to the US.
"US pastor runs network giving 50,000 Ugandans bleach-based 'miracle cure'"

I mean, this is on the same continuum; quacks administering harmful chemicals to people, including infants as young as 14 months old.

And you claim to be 'pro-life'?! FUCK. YOU.
And again, if you're only here because these recent abortion bans make you feel threatened as a cis white woman, you aren't really here for reproductive justice and women's rights. You're just worried for yourself.

Remember where this starts;
Trans women's rights are women's rights. Black women's rights are women's rights. Women of colour's rights are women's rights. Disabled women's rights are women's rights. And so on.

If your 'pro-choice' stance does not include ALL of this, and the intersections of it, it FAILS.
If your 'pro-choice' stance makes exceptions, it FAILS. If your 'pro-choice' stance makes excuses, like claiming that this conflict is not about white supremacy and having enough white babies, it FAILS.

If it does not provide for migrant women, it FAILS.
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Especially this part;
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