While driving around yesterday I saw signs saying “Choose Happy”. I’m sure the folks with these signs had the best of intentions but you know what they say about the road to Hell right? (Thread/Rant)
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be happy but simply telling people to choose happy is simplistic and condescending. There are far too many people that don’t have that option.
People with depression, the addicted, the abused and many other people that are suffering just can’t choose happiness.
One of the worst things you can do to someone at their personal nadir is to tell to just cheer up. Turning that frown upside down isn’t an option if you have depression. Putting on a happy face isn’t easy for an addict.
Looking at the bright side of life is pretty hard for someone who is terrified of getting beaten by a parent or a husband. Seeing silver linings is hard when you’re scared your step dad is going to molest you again.
Choose happy looks good on a t shirt but it doesn’t solve anything. If it did we’d all be running around whistling Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah out of the cracks of our asses. People like a simple bromide that makes them feel good.
If you want a happier society then choose to help, choose to listen, choose to be the strength someone needs. It’s not a simple fix that you can post on a sign in your yard but real problems like depression and addiction and abuse never have simple solutions.
An unwillingness to see the real problem and the lack of resolve to actually fix it leads to these problems lingering and festering. I know this isn’t a touchy-feely happy time tweet but we have real problems in this country and no will to fix them.
You don’t need all the answers, God knows I don’t have them, but you should be willing to listen, to help listen, to learn and to help.
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