I have said before that the right must embark on the project of destroy and defaming all enlightenment values, which includes the value of freedom, and regrettably, therefore, we must attack freedom, at least in the enlightenment sense https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1048661068979945472
Whereas equality has no instrumental value whatsoever, being merely a terminus, a thirst for the heat death of the universe, freedom is necessary in controlled doses. Of course we may understand from existentialism that man is always responsible for himself, but is this freedom?
Indeed and it may be impossible to distinguish between "intelligence" and "freedom", in the sense that intelligence is precisely the widening of one's "light cone" into the future, it is the possession of degrees of freedom and the will to that possession
But freedom is far from an unalloyed good. Even setting aside such behavioral psych toys as the paradox of choice, we must observe that, if freedom is potential, then the destruction of freedom is necessary to actualize potential
The ability to set future constraints upon your self is necessary for all commerce, as a contract is precisely a renunciation of a certain type of freedom, as is a marriage vow, as is any undertaking where a man bears responsibility
There is a naive sentiment among many on the right, because they tend to excel under conditions of "liberty", that maximal liberty is maximally good, but most of what they like about liberty is in only made possible by antiliberty, the rule of law and the power of government
The drive towards freedom is the drive towards the dissolution of all bonds of family, friendship, and state. In the emancipatory imagination, every constraint on freedom is a chain, an oppression, a grievance that prevents us from realizing our true potential
But "freedom" as conceptualized by this sort of drive is no blessing at all, merely an acid which dissolves all social bonds and imagines love and friendship in formal, contractual terms.
Such a person imagines that the opposite of freedom is slavery, when in fact the opposite of freedom is love, stewardship, nurture, and patriotism. All meaningful social arrangements necessitate a relinguishment of freedom
In the Nietzschean conception, the value of a thing does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what it costs us, and so we can confess that freedom IS valuable, but emancipatory logic desires to pay NOTHING in exchange for love and friendship
It it is a truly demented lens though which a parent’s love and protection of their child becomes a “tyranny”, an “oppression”, or which believes that leadership retards potential
Paradoxically, liberty is good only when it is itself YOKED to a higher purpose. Liberty as a terminal goal is the drive towards pure chaos, and when apologists of liberty defend it they always fall back on “emergent order”—they claim liberty is good because it destroys itself
When we seek liberty, we must always attend to the preposition: I desire freedom FROM—let me stop you right there.
I desire freedom FOR—now we are getting somewhere
And despite this limited sense in which liberty is good, it is important that we never idolize or apotheosize it. Liberty is a means, not an end, never an end. https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1031895810726711298
“This is a straw man of liberty, we just want everyone to have a choice in the arrangements that bind them.” We agree then that it is the inevitable and desirable state of humanity to be bound, and you merely quibble about the label
The truth is you can never be free, just as you can never be equal. A man who is self-employed merely makes the market his master. A man who has no leader makes NATURE his master, and Gnon is a harsh and inhuman master, worse than any man https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1038056707979530240
As they say, necessity, which is the bondage of man to nature, is the mother of invention. Creativity is defined by constraint. A world with no constraints is a world with no creativity, a world where the soul, having never been earthbound, is never able to soar
An excess of freedom, most of all, a freedom from consequences, turns you into useless mush. If you were too free, if you could never be bound, then no one could trust you. Freedom isn't the grease for the wheels of the market, it's the heat which must be dissipated
It is hardly necessary to point out how many people, being granted a high degree of freedom, only use it for moral licentiousness, or who, upon being emancipated, would literally die if the state were not there to care for them. In what sense are such people “free”?
Of course if we did “liberate” everyone to the vicissitudes of the market, there would be what the darkly enlightened might call a grand correction. Know that if you are on the side of liberty, you implicitly support the death of billions
There are many misconceptions on the right about freedom, another is that freedom stands in opposition to equality. It’s true in a limited sense, but freedom-as-goal is a back door for other, more insidious values
If we treat freedom as a goal, then we quickly become saddled with a goal of freedom "for all", which is to say, equality in freedom. If your morals are properly calibrated you will react to this with a tinge of nausea. The left beats the right time and again with this formula
Libertarians are at present being overrun by the social justice left because their frame of “rugged independence” is fundamentally and irrecoverably vulnerable to the frame of “universal emancipation” via accusations of moral callousness. Libertarians can never recover from this
The only way out, in this case, is to reject the value of liberty out of hand
Liberty is is a bad goal because it is incapable of existing in the abstract. The moment freedom itself becomes free, it becomes suborned to some other purpose, and that purpose, left unspecified, is chaos.
Order is control, and liberty is anti-control, liberty is demolition, and we should only employ it carefully, and with limits, and never for its own sake
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