a few months ago Joe Schmidt & me got some time to work on some ideas I'd been wanting to try out. The animals were made by Victor Dubrovsky & the sets were mostly sticks we got in Griffith Park.
Joe & I worked on Coraline together but a lot of his work now is doing picture book promo stuff - it's a great way to do something that looks like your book but isn't your book (though this is not for a book).
If anyone wants Joe's info shoot me a message. He's great to work with & will blow your mind with how fast he works.
Anyway, these images aren't for anything specific yet but maybe someday they will be - they were really really fun.
Victor Dubrovsky didn't make these animals specifically for this project. The bear & rabbit are based on the ones from I Want My Hat Back but the goose I bought from him & is his design completely & i would risk my life to save it from a burning building. http://www.chushka.com/ 
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