I don’t begrudge their secrecy either, but how exactly are the ~60% of White men who vote GOP ever going to evolve away from misogyny if not even the women in their lives feel safe enough to speak their minds? This is the American Taliban. https://twitter.com/dianaauguste/status/1049546081841819649
No one is explicitly addressing the narcissism and sociopathy of *mainstream* White American male culture from within its ranks. It’s literally shooting up the public square, desecrating the US government, waging endless war abroad/at home and killing the planet with IMPUNITY.
It’s already painfully clear they won’t listen to the marginalized groups they’re oppressing, but the fact that there’s literally been no appreciable impact of White on White peer pressure on the WM majority for so long in this country should be cause for much greater concern.
We’re talking about White women hiding out in secret FB groups, completely abstaining from politics altogether or being “forced” to lie to their husbands/fathers/guy friends about their votes like it’s kosher and not indicative of virulent, culture bound misogyny.
Abnormal af.
We’re also talking about White families completely torn apart and no longer speaking to each other b/c the left/right divide is too wide to bridge. We’re talking about folk being disowned for life for failing to comply with White patriarchy/theocracy.
In case you aren’t catching my drift, what I’m saying is no one is effectively policing Whiteness™️, it’s doing whatever the fuck it wants to do because the MAJORITY of White men *and* women in this country want it that way and refuse to be constrained by even their White peers.
When was the last time you saw the American media analyze or applaud the ~40% of White people who don’t vote GOP? When have you ever seen them devote as much air time to the motivations of reliable White allies as they give to the teabags and “economically anxious” deplorables?
Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront the institution of White male supremacy as a White person. If you don’t believe me, just ask Hillary Clinton or Tim Kaine.
For over 50 years the battle lines have been drawn on the same civil/human rights lines and it has everything to do with the fact that the incentives to upholding White supremacy/patriarchy still far outweigh those associated with being a White ally in this society.
We need to think long and hard about the historical/generational peer pressure that’s keeping the White American majority so firmly entrenched in the GOP’s back pocket. It has become a loyalty to Whiteness™️ pledge above all else and is the original version of “identity politics”
Just look at how they’re castigating Taylor Swift for having the audacity to be appalled by Trumpism and out of compliance w/the box they’d chosen for her as an “all American”, blonde, blue eyed White woman. They’ve resorted to fanboying Kanye because at least he’s on message.
In typical abuser fashion they’ve promised to double down on White supremacy/patriarchy in retaliation for the attempted vetting of Brett Kavanaugh and feel emboldened by the insult they added to Dr. Ford’s injury. She became a proxy for everyone who has a grievance against them.
In the end it didn’t matter that Dr. Ford was “one of them”, neither her prep school upbringing or her lifelong proximity to privilege granted her any credibility w/the Republican crowd because she wasn’t using it in service of the institution of White patriarchy.
If this is what they’ll do to even their very own, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine what they have in store for everyone else.
Declarations like this wouldn’t be necessary if the White American majority hadn’t successfully demonized liberalism on the basis of its quest for socioeconomic justice and equal civil/human rights for women and people of color. They made altruism taboo. https://twitter.com/enddeportations/status/1049803565462642688?s=21
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