looking to figure out who or what is behind a website. here are some awesome tools and tactics... THREAD. https://twitter.com/Info_Activism/status/1049394272120840192
Also tools like WhatWeb h/t @tek and web tools like @builtwith check sites in a fast automated way. https://twitter.com/tenacioustek/status/986181512797343744
The @specterops article on medium mentions great resources like the @fullcontact marketing database, & @linkedin . "lead generators" like http://ContactOut.com  do a frighteningly good job exposing user data &private info. http://WHOXY.com  for domain lookups, etc. #OSINT
Feeling lazy &only wanna use a browser? If checking out your own sites web scans like @pentesttools @hackertarget @websitepulse, free historic domain lookup with tools like @Whoisology ,fast info on who host a site with @webhostinghero can yield a lot. def check your domains too
Also last but not least is the article I security/reviewed for THE KIT, https://kit.exposingtheinvisible.org/how/web.html  brad & wael walk you through how to see what’s going on behind a web address.
Kali linux users probably know @Paterva's #Maltego . Another option is the genentic mutation of domain tools + maltego via @MalformityLabs as seen here. https://vimeo.com/98490507  h/t @nicoladiaz #domain #osint
Keeping this thread up to date with another great resource using Whois and passive DNS for investigation. H/T to @Tek and the @amnesty Citizen Evidence Lab #osint
You can follow @geminiimatt.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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