Do you really grasp it yet? Has it sunk in? It isn't hyperbole. When I and others say, "This is an existential war." "They are your enemy." "They want to destroy you." We aren't being dishonest. We aren't fear mongering. We're not throwing stones. We're warning you.
I don't want anyone to go out and commit violence for any "cause". I don't want people to live in fear or get consumed by worry or hate. I want you all to be vigilant. I want you to care. I want you to stay informed. I want you to know the truth and grasp its significance.
There is another "side" in a war that exists whether or not you acknowledge it or participate. It hates your very existence. It wants to destroy everything that doesn't enable it. This is the nature of the left. The surface is benevolence. The heart is a hatred born of envy.
The envy stems from a human condition that hates existence because we aren't God. It's the very root of what we call evil. Because we can't make existence be what we want when we want it, we resent the lack of control. The left hates not controlling everything and everyone.
Its entire purpose is "control or destroy". These people get to a place where not having control/power drives them insane to an extent. And in that state whatever and whoever they can't control is magnified as a target of their hate, and they set out to destroy it.
In Christianity we understand that existence is a gift from God. That what is antithetical to existence is destructive and morally wrong. We call it "sin". Whatever promotes existence is righteous, and compliments God and our own continued existence.
Christianity built Western Civilization. Those who want to destroy it rail against Christian values. The vast majority of non-Christians aren't leftists by accident. Reconciling professed Christians on the left with Christian values isn't difficult because we're at fault.
Romans 1:18-32 tells us, God makes Himself self-evident to us. That if we engage in willful ongoing sinful thoughts and behavior God will turn us over to the consequences - we will develop reprobate minds. We see it in sexual deviants, drug culture, and corrupt politicians.
To reject God is to reject His gift of existence. To reject this gift of existence is to reject God. The magnitude to which we don't perceive or feel God is related to how much we separate ourselves from His love. What's the purpose of it all? To love and be loved in return.
The message is this: Be as clever as serpents and as innocent as doves. Put on the armor of God. Take up the sword of Truth and arm yourself literally. "Sell your cloak and buy a sword." Be vigilant, be wise, and be righteous. Love God, love yourself, and love your fellow humans.
Grasp what the other side is. Grasp that they are inherently wrong. They can only be right by aligning with us. Tolerance of evil is itself evil. Confront them. Share the truth. Set yourself to defeat all evil plots. For God, for yourself, for those closest, and for your people.
And remember to thank the Almighty. "But for the grace of God go I."
Acknowledge and ask forgiveness for your sins.
Pray for righteousness, for strength, and for victory.
And have faith - the ultimate victory will be God's.
I pray God blesses you all in your righteous endeavors.
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