We can tell that this is the case because: movies.

How about: we can tell that is the case because women who LIVED IN THE 1980’s STILL ALIVE AND CAN TELL US THAT THERE WAS NO LANGUAGE FOR DATE/ACQUAINTANCE RAPE. https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/9/27/17906644/sixteen-candles-rape-culture-1980s-brett-kavanaugh
We don’t need to conduct and archeological DIG to find out what norms and language was available about rape 30 years ago. You can just ASK US.
Here is what I was taught “rape” was:

violent forcible intercourse by a stranger - women had to fight, scratch, and “resist” , perhaps leave “defense wounds” and have significant, documentable physical injuries themselves.
Nothing else was “rape”

ANY OTHER KIND of victimizng/objectifying/non-mutual sexual contact was either “flirting” by men or was the woman’s responsibility and fault.

Period. That is it. That is what we had.
We were taught not to “put ourselves in the position” where something could happen.

I was taught, that if the father gave me a ride home from a babysitting job, I should ride with my hand on the door handle in case I had to exit quickly.
We were taught to carry “mad money” in case we made our dates angry or frustrated or they resorted to aggression - we could escape and have cab fare home.

It was our job to escape, to fight, to resist, to avoid. If we didn’t- it was our own fault. Period.
This is a long thread I wrote a fee years ago about sexual assault and mad money and “funny uncles” in the 1970’s an 1980’s. Ask anyone 50 plus. We’ll just TELL you. https://twitter.com/shrinkthinks/status/671145162467340288?s=21
Here is a link to a@second thread that extends this discussion https://twitter.com/shrinkthinks/status/787048572911022080?s=21
One more thread:
Trigger warning: sexual assault and suicide:

This is what I understood/was taught about the death of fellow student following an assault: 1981 https://twitter.com/shrinkthinks/status/671685481369886720?s=21
So it will be so much easier on your research if you just asked women aged 50 plus if you happen to know any - and then LISTEN, and BELIEVE US.
You dont have to “bury” it - you just have to be deprived of language to name your experience and then it can neither be reported and may not ever be encoded in verbal memory.
You can follow @shrinkthinks.
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