Whacked a few more of those #gamingtwitter boogers —-!you know they somehow show you as following them even though you do not remember #followingback well either way we are no longer following each other #Goodriddance
Bamboozled a few more of them #cockerroaches today deleted em good riddance
Scalp edged another seven of those cheater 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 bugs ... #twittercheaters
Lampooned another eight of those #twittergamers supposedly following me and I am supposedly following them and then they unfollow me so I unfollow them ... #emptyflowerpot
There goes another #bingo look out #Oceanswavezz last tweet was 1126 days ago and has 41,802 follosers and is followed by 0 errrr zero errrr #gooseegg and #seasoceanswaven last tweet 573 days ago with 22353 followers and only 1 followings and #itaintme
BallieHighHoTheDerryOH bagged another 14 of those #twittergamers clogging up the Twitter stream with their #unfolloweverybody #shenanigans - good riddance to youse guys #byebye good for #FridayMotivation
Shipped off to #byebyebirdy land another eight of them #bamboozlers who #followNoBody and are followed by the #twitterSheep - you are not clogging up my follower box since I am not allowed over 24999 anyway - every real follower counts!
#CorrectedTweet - Shipped off to #byebyebirdy land another eight of them #bamboozlers who #followNoBody and are followed by us #twitterSheep - No No you cheaters are not clogging up my follower box since I am not allowed over 24999 anyway - every real follower counts! #photoAdded
#blunderbuss shipped off to nana land these three and several others who shall remain #annonymous for now /—\\ these bozos who are gaming the Twitter by following #nobody baba byebye and #goodriddance
Sent these folks who are no longer #followingme packing - off to richer pastures where they can milk other Twitter accounts to #beefup their numbers — nope not on my dime —bye bye
Here are the latest #gamingtwitter #weiners #notwinners who follow #nobody #zero #zilch #gooseegg but you can follow them cuz they have something to say that is very important? Nope sorry gotta delete you #gumbahs and other 5 folks who #unfollwedme for good reasons - I am sure.
Delaminated another group of #lamelosers who apparently #followedme and I #followedthem back and then they #unfollowedme - yoh ho you #Pogosticks wadda did I tweet you hadda problem with? Oh never mind I reciprocated and wholloped youse goofy goober losers off of my timeline 💥
Popped a few more #partypoopers who #unfollowedme for no reason that I can discern and these three fuggermeroles who are #gamingdisorder or #gamingtwitter for their own nefarious reasons so it is #offwithTheirHeads and #Brexit errrrrr #goodriddance
Putting those bozos who are #gamingtwitter and who have #unfollowedme —- into the #incinerator —- so hello #Twitter what is the point of letting these goobers clutter up my follower lists —— let’s #fire em - toss them all in the #inferno along with those other #terrorists
Waffled another 4 who left cuz I called out wombat woosy plus 3 #Twittergamers cuz they are annoying for supposedly #followingme and I #followback and then they #unfollowme so I #followsuit and push their cold bodies off the cliff and into the #TwitterDump where they belong!
Used the #twitterWhisperer to vamoose these 4 #twitterCheaters who somehow #followedme even though I do not remember following them and then ostensibly they #unfollowedme so being an upfront guy I have reciprocated by #unfollowing them —- bye bye!
Unfollowed this group of #twittercheaters cuz they ain’t following me so why would I be following them —— makes no sense —- so #byedebyebye youse #goobershoots #goodriddance to bad boys and girls cluttering up mine and others #FriendFeed
Shipped another 9 #unfollowers off to bye bye see you never more gone and already forgotten internets hyper inactive space. — including these 4 #twittercheaters who are following nobody —- off with their heads and #goodriddance
Eleven this time off the timeline —- gone and forgotten “bye bye bozos” and #goodriddance to youse all including these five or six #twittercheaters who are bam bam #boozealing us all —— following zero and followed by a gazzillion—— yikes #flyeaglesfly
Deleted a few more #unfollowers cuz it seemed like the best course to take in this #topsyturvy world
#Doubleddown and transferred another 16 of those #twittercheaters off to the #trashhole so long farewell #byebye you following unfollowing gamers - stop clogging up my timeline - and #goodriddance to youse all #YourTimeMatters
Twenty five more gone ...
20 gone to the rotten forevers ...
#Littlebopeeped anutha 32 of those #twittercheaters hmmmmm how long has this post been in my queue?
Musta been awhile cuz just #whackadoodled another 22 cubes - #ByeBye see yah on the #nospinzone
Hadda let anutha twenty go as they #unfollowed me so I unfollowed them even those guys we had been friends with since the early #failwhale #followfriday days before the dawn of #TrumpTweet
Boloxxed another 33 of them twitter #cheaters cuz they #unfollowedme for no reason that I can fathom sooooo into the #dumpdillydilly they goes —-
#BAmboozalled another 9 of those #twittercheaters well before the #Brexit takes place —-
Let another sixteen #twittercheaters go today playing their #followergames #goodriddance
#Bamboozzled another 4 of them twitter cheats ... goód riddance boÿs
Off they go into the #wildgreenyonder 21 more of those #TwitterCheaters you ain’t following me and now I ain’t following you cuz you #followedme and I #followedyou and then you #unfollowedme so I #unfollowedyou —- #haveaSeat fellas let’s spend sometime #chewingthefat ...
Off they go into the #wildgblueyonder 11 more #TwitterCheaters you ain’t following me so I ain’t following you cuz you #followedme and I #followedyou and then you #unfollowedme so I #unfollowedyou —- #GameOfTrones #itsonlyWednesday now be sure to jump off the new #telephonepole
Off with their heads! #GoodRiddance to 11 more #TwitterCheaters you ain’t following me so I ain’t following you cuz you #followedme and I #followedyou and then you #unfollowedme so I #GameofThrones toss you into the #redwedding oh wait nope into the #Firestorm May you #burningman
Off with their tweets! #GoodRiddance to 16 more #TwitterCheaters you ain’t following me so I ain’t following you cuz you supposedly (but I don’t remember) #followedme and I supposedly #followedyou and then you #unfollowedme so #dialitup #buuercups you are outta here #ByeByeBabu
Out with the trash! #GoodRiddance to 23 more #TwitterCheaters you supposedly #followedme BUT I don't remember you because you #donotTweet and I really have not been following anyone lately #BeThatAsItMay then you #unfollowedme off to #twitterJail and #twitterLimbo with you #bozos
BABABOOOM - #GoodRiddance to 18 more #TwitterCheaters you supposedly #followedme BUT - please #Twitter really - I do not remember following them - why is it they #donotTweet nor follow anyone but appear to have thousands of followers and #unfollowedme so go away!
#PopGoesTheWeasle - #GoodRiddance to 4 more #TwitterCheaters you supposedly #followedme BUT - please #Twitter really - I do not remember following them - why is it they #donotTweet nor follow anyone but appear to have thousands of followers and have now #unfollowedme
#tiptoethroughthetulips and #bygosh garble whomped another 6 #twittercheaters so it is with a #lightheart and a #heaveho hearty #ByeBye and a special sliding wet finger middle you know salute to you bozos who are members of the #Notfollowing nobody on the Twitter club ...
#FingerLakes middle finger saluted another 6 #twittercheaters so it is with a #brightsmile and a #heartyHeaveHo we say #GoodRiddance to you 6 bozos who are members of the #Notfollowing nobody on the Twitter club ... off you go now — we will light the #firepit a little later
#middlefingersaluted another 6 #twittercheaters so it is with a #brightsmile and a #heartyHeaveHo we say #GoodRiddance to you 6 bozos who are members of the #Notfollowing nobody on the Twitter club ... off you go now
You might do #StrangerThings But I have kicked to the curb another 20 #twittercheaters as if #SpiderManFarFromHome is not another issue but #GoodRiddance to you boot licking members of the #Notfollowing anyone on Twitter ... off you go now go #playwithyourself in the corner.
You might do #artoftheday But I have kicked to the curb another 8 #twittercheaters as if #TeenChoice  is not another issue but #GoodRiddance to you #poser members of the #Notfollowing anyone on Twitter ... off you go and feel free to #FlipTheSenate in the corner of the museum
You might be participating in the #AmazonStrike or some other ballyhoo #GameOfThrones But FYI - yes I have kicked over another 2 #twittercheaters and it is #GoodRiddance to those #creepy members of the #Notfollowing anyone on Twitter and feel free to #retweet
#valuededucted another 8 #lamelosers who supposedly #followedme and I #followback and then they #unfollow me and that is very #annoying so go stand in an #earthquake zone and be prepared to be spilt into the #lavapit and #goodriddance you #twitterGamers get off my timeline!
Sent to #Area51 another 5 of those #twittercheaters and it is with #highfives all around as I celebrate with you and we say together in #singsong cadence #GoodRiddance or #goodspeed to you hmmmm never mind that #songkim cuz it is bye oh - #ByeBye see yah muthas in the #nospinzone
#byebye another 4 of those goomba #twittercheaters see you in #NeverForget land beside the #flowingwaters of #goodriddance and hope to not see you on my timeline again —- keep up appearances with the #dragonfly in your eye —
Transcendental’ed to #Area51 another 8 #twittercheaters and it is with some alacrity or lack gritty there of #TuesdayMotivation we give a hearty yell of #GoodRiddance and vow to not watch the #DemocraticDebate or for that matter #songkim cuz it is #ByeBye in the #nospinzone
Used a couple #feralhogs to bedazzle and #bamboozle 10 more #TwitterCheaters - though most #GamersAreGood the #dunderheads who #followedme even though I do not remember them and then #unfollowedme - we all know those #Twitter #GamersAreBad so it is #goodnight you bozos!
Unfollowed 8 of those #twittercheater #guysanddolls cuz they ain’t following me so why would I be following them? So a hearty heave ho and a loud mouthed #byedebyebye youse #FlashbackFriday goobers #goodriddance to bad boys and girls cluttering up mine and others #FriendFeed
Repositioned to #Area51 another 8 #twittercheaters and it is with a bit of #Woodstock50 nostalgia that we send those bozos off into an #uncertainfuture and wish them #GoodRiddance and celebrate #NipseyDay while riding in our #JeepRenegade and shouting at the top of our lungs!
Transported to #Brexit 9 more #twittercheaters and it is with a bit of #Afghanistan nostalgia for the good old days before the #endlesswar that we send these bozos off to #EVERGLOW_ADIOS and wish them #GoodRiddance and celebrate our #MondayMood swings with gusto #SayUmpahUmpah
Smashed the gas light globe that sent another 6 #twittercheaters into the #wastebasket file and if you need to speak to a #federalagent then the #callback is 844-772-2538 and be sure to mention #BedBugs and #TropicalStormDorian as we are sure it is relevant to the #tangled web!
Unfollowed 12 of those #twittercheater doods n doodettes cuz they #unfollowed me - I reciprocated dumping sorry bums into #twitterblades of cut ups and cut offs with a mighty roar of #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes off youse goes boyze n gurlze! #n #fortunecookies for you!
Unfollowed 7 of those #twittercheater bozos and bozettes cuz they #unfollowed me - I followed footsteps and scooped into #trashbin those #twitterblades of spastic banality - a mighty yell of #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes off the path of least resistance no #fortunecookies 4U!
Unfollowed 13 more #twittercheater doods and doodettes cuz they #unfollowed me - I do not remember following them but HEY Twitter can’t be #wrong showing only #iPhone11 tweets and those #twitterblades are poshed off now and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes in their faces!
Unfollowed 8 #twittercheater bumble bots cuz they #unfollowed me! NO I do not remember following them but Twitter can’t be wrong on #FridayThe13th showing only #Fullmoon tweets and YES those #twitterblades are #jerkedoff now and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes in the attic!
Unfollowed fo-mo #twittercheater #stumblebums cuz they #unfollowed me! NO I do not remember following them but Twitter can’t be wrong #ThankYouEli showing only #Fullmoon tweets and YES those #twitterblades are not #BenStokes now and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes oh #snailmail
Unfollowed 8 more #twittercheater #earthquake dumdums cuz they #unfollowed me and I have reciprocated saying #ByeByeBoris to youse bozos and sure as shootin those #twitterblades are surely #impeachment worthy and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes oh and #BorisLiedToTheQueen
Unfollowed 7 #twittercheater #AmberGuygerTrial by jury guys and dolls cuz they #unfollowed me and I have reciprocated! #BirdsOfPrey will be eating their bones and sure as a shoo-in vote those #twitterblades are surely #TongueOutTuesday worthy and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes
Foiled those 9 #Iraq plotting #twittercheaters and it is with happy reveries we counsel the #highestintheroom to send those #bozos up against a double sided #PokemonSwordShield and say ADIOS amigos and #GoodRiddance as we celebrate #FridayMotivation mood swings with #Joker wilds
Clam baked 11 #Syria plotting #twittercheaters and it is with #MakeItRight revelations we suggest those bozos #asknasa why they shouldn’t #WalkAway as they are up against a double sided #PokemonSwordShield and as we say #BTSxLauv and #GoodRiddance celebrate #FridayMotivation
#DAY6 for another 5 of those #1YearWithMono gum ball chewing #twittercheaters see you in #HalaMadrid and the land beyond the #TachaThePaceSetter - I hope to not see you on my timeline again —- keep up appearances with the #LakeShow or #سد_النهضة
Shutter bugged 15 #twittercheater #TradeDeadline guys and dolls cuz #instagramdown and I have no wish to commune with those #halloween2019 #Sillyputty eating bozos and sure as Pete #every20minutes they have a new name and #goodriddance to #rottentomatoes booOIEyah
Unfollowed 8 #twittercheaters cuz they #unfollowed me ‘n NO I do not remember following them but Twitter can’t be wrong on #NationalNachosDay and YES those #LeningradLindsay bozos are not #몬스타엑스_아프지말자 now yea boys #goodriddance to #ClimateChange on #WallpaperWednesday
Voted Out those 9 #ImpeachmentInquiry plotting #twittercheaters and it is with happy hugs and kisses we counsel with #WednesdayWisdom and super emotions those #illslick bamboozlers sent up against a double sided #PokemonSwordShield and say arevaderce Bono wear yore #CardiganDay
Voted Out 25 #ImpeachmentInquiry plotting #twittercheaters and it is with bold #VindmanTestimony like chess moves we counsel the plotters to #askJAYPARK what the and #wtfock and #السعوديه_باراغواي cuz them bamboozlers are insanely jealous #WinForCorbyn up #PokemonEspadaEscudo
Only demagnetized 2 #twittercheaters cuz they #unfollowed me ‘n NO - I do not remember following them but Twitter can’t be wrong on #DemocraticDebate night YES those #GrammyNominations for the impeachment dudes are causing some angst in ranks but goodriddance to #FlamingoMask
Skypockected to #BadBoysForLife another 17 #twittercheaters and it is with amazing grace of #FlashbackFriday that we give a mighty yell of #GoodRiddance and call out #SidNaaz to grab those bozos by the horns and #WhenFeelingsAreHurt we will be far away watching #Megxit on Telly!
Shishkabobbed 14 #twittercheaters be cuz they unfollowed me - check on #TheView - I do not remember following these “0” following connivers but I sent them a virtual #coronarvirus through Twitter and #ThursdayMotivation is high as #dershowitzlogic circles another zero #kabogo
Keeboshed fo mo #Twitterと現実で見た印象 hope that says #twittercheaters but if it don’t sent those maligning #zerofollowing #MONSTAX minions off to the #NHprimary2020 to vote for a #SaferInternetDay and you know what that #memesdaily - #SCAM below is a #robocall #tuesdayvibes
Flambayed anutha buncha #twittercheaters cuz those #zerofollowing goobers were cluttering my #NVCaucus results with #coronavirus statistics and #48Hours of #FakeNews bickering about #BellatorDublin and no fouls fails falls concerning #NeverBloomberg without #advertisingvideo
Whoopsied 12 #twittercheaters cuz those #zerofollowing shitz are a #Twitter annoyance and I need to check on #CoronaVirusUpdate which is more interesting then the #SouthCarolinaPrimary where #TrumpLiesAboutCoronavirus are trending like a #COVID19 #China or #Turkey or #hoax ummm
SplishSplashed another 7 #twittercheaters those #zero #followings boogers and #goodriddance to #Coronvirus and the bad #OPEC oil minions who drank the #koolade for the #CoronaAlert soon there will be air raid sirens #NCT127_KickIt off the sidewalks and into #AfricaMeansBusiness
#ooopsieDaisied 11 more #TwitterCheaters those bogus Twitter goons who collect #followers but #followZERO and you all know #COVID2019 is causing #BidensCognitiveDecline cuz what else could it be #BernieSurge notwithstanding and it’s a #Warzone out there #드림에게도_소중한_꿈
GONE! #flushed 45 more mostly #twittercheaters who are followed by the unwary and are #followingZERO see you on the other side of the #CoronavirusOutbreak you guys and gals watching the #FoxNewsLies and eating bonbons - what up naming it the #TrumpPandemic seems a little harsh!
#COVID19 ‘d 62 more #twittercheaters who are followed by who nose who and are #followingZERO bye bye you #CensusDay cheaters and #goodriddance to your palsy vibe so #AprilFoolsDay to you youse watching the #FoxNewsLies and eating pork pies cuz you should just #StayHome and chill
Sheeshkabobbed 12 more #twittercheaters cuz they be following ZERO and we know how I feel #seethethread and anywho the #lockdowneffect is certainly #funkeakindelebello or it could be #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON whatever that has to do with #Covid_19 and my #mondaythoughts so get a life!
Pettuie’d 13 #twittercheaters ( #seephotos ) cuz they be following #ZERO but gettin’ u n me to follow them ... hmmm and #nnevvy the nerve of those #معيز bumbah’s gotta be we all #StayAtHome cuz #Easter and #RIPColbyCave and #ThooRahulKanwalThoo is that a real #pillowchallenge
Dethroned 11 today 11 yesterday #twittercheaters cuz supposedly I am following them and they and #1millionboys #unfollowedme we shall see #كلب_البدو what happens next #day26oflockdown so sorry youse bozos and #byebyebirdy oh #Prince of hearts #에이티즈 hmmm? #EarthDay vibrations
Unclocked 30 of those #Twittercheaters cuz supposedly I follow them but they don’t follow me - #KimJongUn wouldn’t let that happen to him and despite #worldnakedgardeningday being in full swing during an #earthquake or for #الحظر_الكلي wait who added #coronavirus to this tweet?
StripSearched 11 #twittercheaters and put them in the #hoosegow with the #6ix9nineisoverparty cuz that is where they belong with #dojacatisoverparty so pack your troubles in your old kit bag and #sosatseoulsayxmewgulf wait a minute what the #marredetrenegre shhhhh hijacked tweet!
WhackaDoodled 13 + 2 #twittercheaters cuz them #zerofollowing bootle boogers just stick in my craw and to #settlematter I delete em with a vengeance and #javascript during #minneapolisriots and let’s #clapforourkeyworkers and shout from the rafters #ラブライブ10周年 wait for it!
Paddleballed 7 #zerofollowing whackadoodle #twittercheaters cuz they overshadowed #BunkerBoy and made us all look bad and we must #protest the insanity of spreading #Ebola and now #dcblackout - who would have thunk when I woke after days in the vertigo daze we’d be in #PRIDE2020
Facepalmed 8 more #zerofollowing oozing brains #twittercheaters because it is the #rights thing to do! Oh sure #LindseyGraham could be right or could be wrong on #DDay76 and it ok okay on this #6thjune as a lot of people died 76 years ago today - so onward #BlackLivesMatter
Zipstripped 15 #VogueChallenge ambidextrous #twittercheaters those #zerofollowing boobs I do not remember following #Twitter says we are palsy walsy so #13ReasonsWhy I deleted them can be found #달빛보다_찬란한_준휘야_생일축하해 or wait listen here #Dbanj40by40 ya hear #365dni
ColumbusStatued 17 #Twittercheaters cuz those #zerofollowing bum chewers the bane of Twitter #instagramdown not withstanding the #IndiaChinaFaceOff in hockey I suppose is a #tuesdayvibes kinda poste haste whoa Nellie why the gang up on #bycottkarnjohrgangmovie and #PenceLies ?
Pilloried 9 #twittercheaters gaming the system with #zerofollowers and a #PenguinReview will undoubtedly support #JUNETEENTH2020 and #OnePiece983 should follow up with a ☮️ piece symbol or two - zowie #StayGold_BTS 🤔 sounds like a good plan if #Aarya has anything to say about it
Sanitized 5 #twittercheaters thoze #zerofollowing junk bonders twitter lets run amok on #TuesdayMorning and #AllEyesOnKentucky for sure #มิวกลัฟปฟกคือเรื่องจริง will capture the imagination of #bbrightvc um that #unemployment hashtag popped there call doc #Fauci or #스트레이키즈
Ran outta city on a moped 9 + 7 o’thoze #zerofollowing scaliwags #twittercheaters cuz #TachaTitanIsOneYear will be trending on the day the #HookUpMovie cums to town rocking #lockdown paraphernalia and #사코괜_종현편지_표절해명해 surely that makes cents - buy buzz bang #Bitcoin
Tiktok’ed 3 #Twittercheaters well um 2 #zerofollowing wiper blades #mompha says that dude #EpsteinDidntKillHimself uh huh and who did the #nastycEAZY on that perv dude maybe was #COVIDー19 or a friend of #GhislaineMaxwell sure that makes perfect cents #RIPReckful says no way bob
Turnedoff 8 ballyhoos hoo #unfollowed me including doze #zerofollowing #twittercheaters so #SushanthSinghRajput will follow up using zero #59Chineseapps or consulting with #joankubai on #ABSCBNFranchiseRenewal pizazz wanna boyo shhh #COVID19Ontario is trending at #ChiefsKingdom
TorePedoed 5 #twittercheaters dose #zerofollowing beanbag heads cuz #SpotifyDown and no musak today #redtailisoverparty seems harsh like a #FakeNews scam or #fake_encounter with a UFO and the Jetsons or #Tesla making noise about #BoycottGoyaFoods or errr hmm #wildearth shout out
WaffleHosed 2 #MapOfTheSoul7TheJourney of them #zerofollowing goobers an erstwhile #twittercheaters that #HappyGamer AKA #Twitter uses to pad their numbers so #whatsappdown for the #YourEyesTellNow stockholders and surely #TrumpIsNotWell with that and the #FakeNews too #ncfc boyo
Wackadoodled 2 yesterday 2 today 2 tomorrow of thoze #zerofollowing #twittercheaters cuz #OneMore30Rock says #TrumpFailsAmerica and yeah #dogsforbiden are coming out of the kennels to bark #fatalaffairnetflix spoof ups as #59Chineseapps like #tiktokdown is a virus 2 says #Pompeo
Golfballed 7 #twittercheaters boffo ballers who believe #90DayFianceHappilyEverAfter voting for #KanyeWest as if that is opposed to #EyeForAnEye #BBNaijaLockdown and those #TrumpsGestapo dudes stopping the #PortlandKidnappings status quo - a view from #NEOWISE passing heavenly by
Dishragged 7 #zerofollowing chloroform ampule chugging #twittercheaters becuz #첸_노래해줘서_고마워 says we can #ลองของซีรีส์EP3 and who needs em anyway eh Rambo? In #100Days some ballyhoo will be taking place near and #FactDurbanRocks2020 far so #MUFC clamors for #KissingBooth3
Metronomed 2 - yes only two - maybe those #antitrusthearing and #zerofollowing boot guzzling #twittercheaters are getting the #IndiaWithSushant message? Not gonna bet #คืนพุธเทียน100เล่ม a single ruble on #LouieGohmert or #BTSARMY what #FGO is that #Isaias huh? #RafaleInIndia huh?
BunkerBoyed 4 #Zerofollowing hecklers those #방탄소년단 bozo #twittercheaters just cannot stand #idolssa cluttering up the timeline! But they rarely tweet you say ... #NASCAR ... it’s the principle of #LaunchAmerica and it all! They are wasting #Giveaway space #JUNGKOOK says!
Doodlebopped 2 #BTS_Dynamite of those #zerofollowing mumblepegs and faux #twitter accounts and boffo #twittercheaters because it is #JamaicanIndependenceDay and the right thing to do #DissolveTheNRA uhoh that will cause an uproar in some #thursdayvibes circles and #Bitcoin values
Parcheesied 6 #zerofollowing puddlesplashing #twittercheaters cuz they unfollowed #ArtificialIntelligence and moi. Hmmm Twitter #Analytics indicates I lose on average 90 followers per weak #BigData sure is funny and #Asapfergisoverparty will cause angst in #HowYouLikeThat circles
chaiselounged 6 #RussianVaccine bauble head #twittercheaters I followed everyone back until I hit the 25,000 ceiling and #정국_시차_월드디지털송세일즈_1위 could not get over the bar now #tuesdayvibes I don’t worry about follower counts #KQBoardExposed and trundle on #kiddrica ...
Sebastopoled 8 #SeductiveSunday treble singing #twittercheaters cuz those #zerofollowing scum buckets bug me to no end #VoetsekCyril surely would agree they are #BBNaijaLocdown taking up valuable space #lightning strikes will surely fall on their heads or the #SpanishGP will call
HufflePuffed 15 #드림캐쳐 bingo cheating #twittercheaters those #zerofollowing bubble blowing boyz ‘n girlz I do not remember following! #SteveBannonArrested very low WiFi so no photos of #CBIInMumbai those rogue #FrosForDynamite guyz! #NetflixPedofilia is trending not sure why?
Unmitigated 6 of them #กูสั่งให้มึงปิดสวิตสว bubble brain #Twittercheaters because it is what you and eye should due and vow to #CallOfDutyBlackOpsColdWar send those pommel jockeys to #IndiaForRheaArrest oblivion and good riddance #Fortnite to them #ModernWarfare wiener whiners
Fistpumped 4 of those #กูสั่งให้มึงปิดสวิตสว bauble butt #Twittercheaters because it is what oui should due and vow 2 #CallOfDutyBlackOpsColdWar send those cud chewing doppelgängers to the dust bins #IndiaForRheaArrest good riddance #Fortnite to them #ModernWarfare weeble wobbles
SisBoomBaa’d - 2 + 8 of them #zerofollowing wet firecracker #Twittercheaters cuz it makes scents #ViolentTrump it makes cents #wtfock it makes sense #SuperMario3DAllStars it makes sent #TrumpVirusDeathToll186K oh hum dingers #إلا_رسول_الله whoops wrong #BAD_BLOOD hashtag sweetie
FiddleFaddled 4 unfollowers of which 2 were #Erica said those #UNFIT blathering pogo sticks are surely #zerofollowing butthead #Twittercheaters and good #LovecraftCounty riddance to them science fiction bootleggers #BigBrotherNaija watch out #عوازم_الخامسه here comes the judge
Skeddaddled 7 more #zerofollowing brain wiped #twittercheaters cuz as we know from this thread #PenceKnew and Twitter is padding their numbers! O surely U jest as the #TrumpLiedPeopleDied gang will testify on their behalf and all will be over with the untimely #DeathOfDemocracy
PatacakePatacaked 4 more #unfollowers and 2 of them are those #zerofollowing bugbear squirt #Twittercheaters and maybe a couple #ドラクエウォーク folks who may not like some recent #holoMyth tweets about #TrumpKnew and that is okay so so so long farewell see you on the flip side
UmbilicalCorded 2 #twittercheaters cuzzie thosenosey #zerofollowing bizzie boddies bugsie #BBNaijaLockdown mesie awfull choosie #DegreeOfDoubt ollieoliieinfree nahhnoe #StrayKids_BackDoor gonna mekke know cents #ايقاف_حساب_طيار_ركن shhhh thembailers ginna szink thu ship o state
Shadowboxed with 8 #CashAppFriday bungling #zerofollowing busybody #twittercheaters no one in their #LayconGlobal right mind remembers #SuperMario3DAllStars following but there they are #Mario3DAllStars clogging up ur timeline & not reading your erudite #Alpha observation tweets
Skateboarded 50 #zerofollowing
boneheaded #twittercheaters those clueless bums #Twitter allows to follow us without our VOTE or consent yabba dabba doo wahoo my momma says this #VoteInPerson election is very Important for all of us it is life or #TrumpKnewAmericansDied so
Unmasked 11 #twittercheaters those scurrilous #zerofollowing bozos #黄冠亨0928生日快乐 who the bunkos at #Twitter allow to follow and unfollow you and eye #willyNilly without our consent #BBNaija off with their heads #HAPPYHENDERYDAY wait - what is that about during #COVID19 2020
PickleJarred 7 #우리의_천리방_찬아_생일축하해 bozo #Twittercheaters and it’s the right thing to do with #zerofollowing nincompoops so says #หวานใจมิวกลัฟกินเหล้ากันมั้ย who certainly ought to know that #twitch errr #Twitter uses those bozos to beef up their numbers to investors
FrickandFracked 12 #zerofollowing wingnut bubblegum chomping #twittercheaters cuz those #CashAppThursday doods whom #Twitter allows to follow me without my permission are a scourge and need to be removed by #BLACKPINK gum and #جامعة_الامام_اصابات_كورونا that is end of story
Unmasked deglazed 7 #zerofollowing fiddle faddle thumb sucking #twittercheaters cuz those #CashAppThursday bozos whom #Twitter allows to follow me without my #VOTE need to be regurgitated by #BLACKPINK  whatever means necessary #جامعة_الامام_اصابات_كورونا including #censorship
HammerSicled 3 of those hmmm can’t really call them #zerofollowing bumble stilts kins nor designate them as #twittercheaters cuz they have followers but they #unfollowed me so will reciprocate during #ThursdayMotivation and remove them from #17ตุลาไปราชประสงค์ my timeline #ByeBye
DaylightSaved 4 #Halloween zombie day tripping #zerofollowing fumble prone whizzbang #BiggestCrush oops wrong #hashtagcaps sheesh it is only one hour dood #twittercheaters cuz they unfollowed me so eye follow suit any yell out the door #FlyEaglesFly roll over #Cowboys by #TRAIN














Those #twittercheaters telling you your vote doesn’t count?
Prove them wrong


I voted











Those #zerofollowing #twittercheaters telling you your vote doesn’t count?
Prove them wrong

OUTvotedGONZOed 6 boogaloo #zerofollowing scambot #twittercheaters and a couple surely legit #unfollowers who dislike my tweets about #Decision2020 but those goobers #Twitter allow to follow us without our #企業アカウント sayso to beef up the #StockMarket price gotta go #ByeBye
Snagglepussed 7 #Zerofollowing catawampuss #boycotttanishq err #ARSAVL err #GOT7_BreathofLove_LastPiece no nope those bogus tweep #twittercheaters that Twitter allows to attach to yore timeline without our consent - #ByeBye売国竹中平蔵 good riddance - take your act #elsewhere
DespicableMead 9 boogers and #zerofollowing trolling #twittercheaters who have been cluttering #ม็อบ16พฤศจิกา my timeline without one #Iota of consent from me that I had #GreatReset followed them back in the first place #AsimRiaz as they look like #twitterbot to me #وليد_المعلم
DepecheMotorboarded 6 #LifeGoesOnxDynamiteLive of those #zerofollowing fiddle sticking #twittercheaters because #BLACKPINK and second they #unfollowed me so I hadda give them #NapoliMilan bopeeps the heave ho #quackitysupport and the duckies say send em to the #Undertaker
CementShoed 6 #진생일ᄎᄏ oh u no #zerofollowing Twitter cheaters - those #aot135spoilers mobster stool pigeons #CORPSEISVERIFIED those twits allow by a special #algorithm to join your following list without your #ImACelebrity consent or say sew on #TikTok and that is bogus billy
FoxKnewsed 1 today & 5 on Solsday #新しいプロフィール画像 of those #zerofollowing fake news #twittercheaters the trolls on #Twitter allow to #magically show me following them without my #Brexit consent. Turning the #FlyEaglesFly channel on those #operacionantipulpo bobble heads
PillboxEmptied 13 #بو_مفتاح of thoze #zerofollowing bamboozling #Starship sailing #twittercheaters that the #magicians at Twitter #Cyberpunk2077Hype allow to #abracadabra we are following them but they aren’t following anybody #ZeroZeroZero something is bogus in #TwitterChat city
DespicableMeTooed 7 #박보검 of those #zerofollowing ultra mega #Dominion lawsuiting false #twittercheaters u no doze bozos the flunkies at #twitch err #GamblingTwitter allow to follow #GOPBetrayedAmerica unfollow us at will without our #Newsmax consent cuz #Dictator don’t care
Orbitilated 13 ore 19 #リヴァイ生誕祭2020 of them #zerofollowing conundrum pistol warping #twittercheaters ... bah blah back shleep ... #BrexitDeal has use guts any #wifematerial wool in long Johns #توقف_الدراسه_في_مصر weight watt #Christmas spirits you are imbibing #DrFauciDay
FaceCustardPied 10 #ไบร์ทวิน of those #zerofollowing bamboozling #Burnaboy gas lightning #TwitterCheaters so bye bye bye Jaba Hutting #dreamfell boozers - get off my timeline #BinanceResolution and use two #月姫20周年 no sound carding #CenkVakti wait who put those hashtags there?
PhotoBombed 12 #방탄소년단뷔 of those #zerofollowing mirage making #PBB3rdNomiNight pin the tail on the donkey #twittercheaters because it is the right #Time to do it in #ThePenthouse or actually #fintwit any other room in the barn #تميم_بن_حمد so baa baa beige sheep #Crypto
ShiffleWicked 10 #해피됴데이 of those guise erstwhile #zerofollowing mo foe #TwitterCheaters who #CyrilRamaphosa wood bee appalled on a #FACup tweet with ... during an #insurrection and an anti democracy #CoupAttempt that is cult of #Fascism a putsch by #FoxNews #OAN #Newsmax
WindozeUPdazed 4 #앟_아기볶음밥주연_생일이닿 zero following #HAPPYJUYEONDAY Twitter cheaters as those #Cherry bombing wasters #TwitterCensorship lets gum up my timeline without my say so #JIMIN IMUM or any input #Krack en gonna explode on #Pokemon25 and that’s a fact on #Parler
Let’s go to office
FlatterPulverized 5 #twittercheaters and unfortunately the app they came in on becuz it and #Chrome were running wild eating my battery from the inside #april12th anyway begone #พี่มิวขอเพลงหน่อยค่ะ youse zerofollowing nimble bees #DynamiteTo1B gonna trend in #mondaythoughts
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