An intellectual Turing test is when a person on the right tries to pass for a person on the left, or vice versa. We have long observed that most rightists can pass an intellectual Turing test, and most leftists can’t
This is not because of any innate tendencies, but because the consequences of failing the test are asymmetrical. My honest views on most topics could make my professional life very difficult
Some leftists hear this and accuse me of whining, but it’s just a sober assessment of the tactical landscape. Adapt or perish. On the left, when you lose to your enemy, it's their fault for being wicked. On the right, it's yours for being careless.
Hide your power level until it’s so great they can’t stop you and then, ONLY then, do you impose your values. Until then flash that #resistance gang sign IRL.
Your public face should be indistinguishable from an NPC. Post CNN stories to Facebook. Complain about Drumpf to your coworkers. Resist the urge to have small arguments along ideological lines
If a leftist is a communist in her free time, or an activist (activism is inherently left), she can display it proudly, even at her job, even to accolades from her employer
We all know the game, but one of the rules is you don’t explain it too clearly. Suffice it to say that many right wing views provide enough lawsuit leverage that no company will bother defending you
That’s why when you argue with a leftist on twitter, they are so fixated on your anonymity. If they knew your name they could hurt you. They can reveal their names freely, of course.
That should tell you everything you need to know about the allocation of political power in the West, but in the leftist mind, they are eternally the underdog, the resistance against an evil empire
“But isn’t this just an ‘underdog-ism’ of the right?” Why is it that only one side is anonymous in this war? Oh we’re cowards? And what are we running from? The “powerless” underdogs?
I often hear people observe that we live under "capitalism" instead of "communism", and this is somehow evidence of the right's political ascendance, but they are playing dumb, because the real vectors of left wing thought are in the memetic and socio-sexual sphere
Whatever leftism is, political entropy or metastasis of egalitarianism or merely a stubborn refusal to understand markets, it has for the moment turned its attentions from financial redistribution (easy to quantify, hard to move) to social status redistribution (nebulous, easier)
They control, if you'll pardon the idiom, the "memes of production", and on the right, we need to sieze them, which is partly why I write fiction. We have to create stories that are not explicitly political, but that are built on our worldview
At the same time we have to unroll the Gramscian march, and we do that by counter-marching, in both the private and the public sphere. Your scrappy blockchain-distributed alt-zine is never going find the audience of a major news network
You can't just kick the Overton window back into place, you have to steer it slowly, and you do that by being a publisher, an editor, a person who works in media. Dye your hair purple for camouflage and make every tiny decision you can to fight leftwing mind control
The truth is they're afraid of us. Scientific inquiry unchained from dogma reveals the emptiness and the nakedness of their idealism. They can't win with facts, only with feelings and censorship
Their fear is in large part unfounded; because they fail the intellectual turing test, they think we want for them what they want for us. In the leftist mind, we are evil, and we should be cast out of society, our assets should be taken, and we should be forcibly "re-educated"
I don't think leftists are evil, or even stupid, but I do think they are motivated by resentment and envy, and that they lack self-awareness of this, which is why they believe their lust for power is compassion. You might call this the human condition
I want to live in a world of personal responsibility. I want to live in a world where the smart and the strong provide leadership and live exemplary lives. The left wants to destroy all notions of superiority; No shepherd, and one herd!
On the left they think that any acknowledgement of inferiority leads directly to extermination camps: that's leftist morality. Murder the inferior! Everyone must be the same and everyone who isn't must die.
The right, unlike the left, is actually capable of accomodating difference, as long as that difference is ordered, and behaves in an orderly way. Hierarchy should appeal to all people in all classes because everyone has a place.
When leftists talk incessantly about death camps they reveal THEIR morality: the elimination of all differences between people using any means necessary.
Equality can never be satisfied until it is total equality.
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