If you know my family, and you continue to support Trump and/or the GOP, then you can just fuck off. I've been against them for a long time, but they are attacking my family now, and if that's what it takes for you to stop, then stop.
The GOP is complicit in this. They could stop all of this in the tracks if they wanted too, but they don't want to. Supporting the GOP today means you are supporting Trump and ALL of his policies.
The use of crime to deport is terrible: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/crimes-that-will-make-immigrant-deportable.html

Get into a fight, even if you were defending your family? That could get you deported. Remember, they aren't just trying to deport for 1st degree murder, they are targeting even small crimes.
The GOP is trying to take away the vote. They know that it's the easiest way to stay in power. Who knows when they'll try to take away my wife's or my vote?

Fuck Trump.

And more work to legalize discrimination:

Continued thread. If birthright citizenship is ended, my daughter's citizenship status could also be attacked.

And fuck you if you're response is the govt will never go for hers, America is all about later overreach. https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1057314062059614208?s=19
The US has now authorized military troops to detain and kill immigrants. This is not acceptable. The order needs to be amended to not allow either. https://twitter.com/iAmTheWarax/status/1065333378575212544?s=19
This is unacceptable.

Fuck Trump.

Let's just change things and make people who have lived here for 20+ years and kick them out. https://twitter.com/TheAtlantic/status/1072940912131665920?s=19
Remember, this is what Trump and the GOP are trying to have happen in the US. https://twitter.com/WritersofColour/status/1081325490068176896?s=19
And then there's this proposal to make America's asylum process an absolute joke. This better not pass. https://twitter.com/ReichlinMelnick/status/1087543942894243842?s=19
My wife obtained her driver's license before she became a citizen and likely voted with her "non-citizen" license.

So, yeah, it happens. https://twitter.com/TexasTribune/status/1088963241110368257?s=19
And here we have cops lying trying to get you to commit a crime so they have reason to deport you. Fuck this shit. https://twitter.com/MohanadElshieky/status/1089631560305762304?s=19
My wife, a naturalized US citizen, had a driver's license before she became a citizen and has only voted legally. She would be on that list. So yes, that list is bogus and that the state doesn't bother to do it's research and verification is crap. https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1092471903254659072?s=19
The GOP wants to make anyone who does look like them a crime. My daughter is half Thai, and people like McCain want to abuse families like mine. They are using out differences to make like difficult, knowing that they'll never have to experience it. https://twitter.com/juliebux/status/1093544780364017666?s=19
This is entrapment. The people who created this and made to look legit to people who would do basic checking need to be punished. https://twitter.com/ENBrown/status/1095373753318555654?s=19
Remember following orders is not a defense. Everyone participating in this needs to be sent to jail for violating human rights. https://twitter.com/DemocracyStorm/status/1126946047387947013?s=19
I'm lucky that my wife is now a citizen and don't have to worry. We need to change law so others are as lucky.

I'm sad that people like Jason vote for Trump w/o understanding that Trump and the GOP want to punish anyone who isn't white and male. https://twitter.com/Eugene_Scott/status/1130199456626991105?s=19
If Trump and the GOP had their way, they'd strip my wife of her citizenship and send her home. As long as GOP is in power, and the Dems fail to do anything to prevent this, my family is at risk. https://twitter.com/OKBJGM/status/1150491333619941376?s=19
This. https://twitter.com/jpbrammer/status/1150617675950952448?s=19
She's a US citizen. She is in her home country.

My wife is an immigrant and has been a US citizen for a long time. If they send Rep Omar back, what prevents them from doing it to any other naturalized citizen? https://twitter.com/radleybalko/status/1151650630878056448?s=19
Even if you have proof, ICE won't release you: https://twitter.com/XRPig/status/1153730850141298692
This https://twitter.com/TheTinaVasquez/status/1153688024397623297?s=19
This is just crazy stupid. Vote for Trump or the GOP and this is what you get. https://twitter.com/jonfavs/status/1159242758105620480?s=19
This is terrible. The govt is lying specifically to keep people out the country that are legally allowed to enter. And the courts are allowing the executive branch to abuse it's power. https://twitter.com/aflores/status/1204479719804211202?s=20
Another example of the govt trying to take away citizenship from US citizens.

I have decided I will only be using my passport to fly once the restrictions go in place. https://twitter.com/juliaioffe/status/1213208958900551682?s=19
We attack another country, and now we detain our own citizens and residents?

This is f-ing BS. https://twitter.com/NIACouncil/status/1213885371802701825?s=20
And this is the fundamental point if this thread: https://twitter.com/amyhoy/status/1210083380424892416?s=19
Per this, literally the executive branch can remove people w/o recourse.

Per previous post they'll just strip a person's citizenship and then deport them and the courts and Congress won't do anything about it.

When will they be coming for my family? Will you let them? https://twitter.com/libshipwreck/status/1233089634898530307?s=19
And here we go. This'll be continued after the crisis has passed. https://twitter.com/ACLU/status/1262866602091057159?s=19
This is fucked up.

My wife is a citizen, but this will screw over other families in America. https://twitter.com/alexanderchee/status/1281425692987727873?s=19
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