On a scale of 1 to “it puts the lotion in the basket,” how crazy is it to meet a girl for 15 min, ask her out, yell at her because she says no, send insane texts, get blocked, send apology flowers to her work, tell her you’re in love with her and decorated an area of your
apartment with Aggie stuff for her to watch games in, and when denied again, make the following pros and cons list of yourself?
I told him clearly that his behavior concerned me and I think we should go our separate ways. I've gotten a couple of texts since then trying to explain "that behavior isn't who he really is" and "his heart is broken." But, I'm not responding to anything else.
He’s still texting. I haven’t responded. He’s also called. This is part of his most recent text.

I have seen this person for a total of 15 minutes of my life.
He’s baaaaackkkk
And now he’s using football analogies.
And his actions weren’t exactly the same as a defense having a lackluster first half. They’re more like the coach punching the kicker in the face for missing an early field goal but still hoping to pull out the W.
Ok he just showed up to the place i watch games. I have a friend on the way, but I’m officially really freaked out.
He just sent me this. The way he begins it sounds like I asked him a question, but I did not. Seems like he’s just talking to himself out loud again.
And another. I don’t know what he means by ruining my job except that I write about sports and was there watching games.
Just discovered that when you block someone, they can still leave you voicemails. These were fun. If you want to hear a grown man cry over someone they barely know, I got you fam.
Another day. Another creepy tweet.
Couple of things: I can’t get a gun bc I’m still working on getting the stupid medical hold off my license. 2. I just filed a harassment report. 3. Cop told me not to block him so I have evidence.
ARE YOU KIDDING?! I just filed a harassment report with you on a guy, and you honestly thought this was an opportunity to ask me out?! I just... I don’t even know how to respond to this...
I don’t like books? News to me.
Just got a 2 min voicemail asking me if I would at least help him rewrite his business website even if I wouldn't "loosen up" and forgive his barrage of insults from last week. He said "the thing that is killing me about this is I really need you to redo my site!"
Wait... what ...what does this mean? Is there a reference I’m missing?
I preferred jerk off Jessica to Jessy-boo
He called this time from a new number. Maybe the most unnerving voicemail of them all. I was assigned a detective who I’ve talked to about it, so we’ll see what happens.
He’s baaaaaack
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