Reading these is making me feel sick to my stomach. This a mild example.

Declassified Documents Concerning Russian President Boris Yeltsin

cf. Putin econ. advisor Sergey Glazyev, "A Genocide: Russia and the New World Order" (1999)
My hatred for the global 'money' system – and to some extent also, its cheerleaders – is reaching a new peak of seething, boiling, volcanic rage while reading these documents; in specific, the Clinton-Yeltsin discussions viz. NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
For example. Always, *always* about the effing bookkeeping entries ('money').
@ProfSteveKeen @ProfessorWerner @scientificecon @Renegade_Inc @atulkshah @PaulGambles2 @BrendanEich Isn't late capitalism / neoliberalism grand. ⬆️
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