The toxic feminine: signs and symptoms.
I lost a friend today. In truth, he had been lost for years.
I will detail how his identity was slowly and insidiously destroyed by the parasite he allowed to take over his life.
Step 1: Identify a vulnerable target.
My friend held down a serious relationship or two, but was shattered when they broke down.
He was convinced he would never find love again if it didn’t work.
Blue pill. Hung up on idealistic fantasies. Perfect target.
Step 2: Love Bombing.
Similar to how cults operate, a manipulative woman will flood her target with affection.
If he is vulnerable, he will become hooked on the validation and emotional rush.
This builds dependence.
Step 3: Devaluation.
Once emotionally dependent on the abuser, the target’s behaviour is conditioned through devaluation.
Demands are slowly, insidiously made on the target’s time spent outside of the relationship. If the target refuses to comply, affection is withdrawn.
Step 4: Acceleration.
A pattern has been established: the abuser gets what she wants, or she withdraws affection until she gets it.
To advance her interests, the abuser will typically attempt to cohabit with the target, or spend inordinate time at their house.
Step 5: Isolation.
Once a cohabitation arrangement is established, the abuser will monitor the movements and communications of the target and begin to restrict them.
This is typically done via plays to vulnerability, accusations of selfishness and/or weaponised victimhood.
Friends and family can warn the target that they are being manipulated.
The target can be so messed up, so dependent emotionally, that they refuse to see the truth. Once the abuser finds out about this, she will make it her mission to remove these people from the target’s life.
In my case, the abuser used weaponised victimhood to accuse the target’s friends as rapists, or rape apologists publically.
Entirely fabricated.
Attempted to gaslight previous partners of these friends into making them believe they were raped.
Sick, twisted, dangerous.
The result of this is that the target eventually abandons all interests and activities that the abuser does not approve of.
The target will lose any real sense of identity, and live to serve and enable the abuser.
The target will cut off friends, or friends will give up on them.
While I am sad to lose a friend, in reality that friend hasn’t existed for a long time. He sacrificed himself to his abuser a long time ago.
I have no doubt that he will eventually kill himself when she leaves him. What would he have to live for?
Don’t become a statistic.
Beware those who come on too strong- slow it down.
Have something that you refuse to ever compromise on.
Listen to your friends. Never sell out your friends. They’ll never trust you again.
And lastly- if you think it’s too late, it’s not. Reach out.
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