About a year ago, I started blocking every promoted tweet that popped into my feed. As a result, Twitter has no idea what ads to show me any more. Here is a continually updated thread of some of the weird-as-hell ads I see on a daily basis now
What is going on here? Who pays for people to see this?
For some reason, there was a month where Twitter thought I lived in northeast Ohio and only showed me ads for local services from there
This just reads like it was written to scare old people
I....I don’t even know guys
Looking for retro video games? This bald dude from Texas has the hookup!
I hope someone got fired for this garbage attempt at getting a hashtag going
It’s weird that someone thought that putting this in my feed would make me want to eat beef, when really it makes me want to never eat meat again
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Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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